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Can Infrastructure Investment Promote the High-quality Development of Commercial Circulation Industry?


Nowdays, the main direction of transformation and upgrading of commercial circulation industry is to achieve high-quality development. In this regard, this paper uses entropy method to construct the high-quality development index of regional commercial circulation industry, and theoretically analyzes the non-linear relationship between infrastructure investment and the development of commercial circulation industry. Based on the panel data of 30 provincial administrative regions in China from 2004 to 2017, this paper empirically tests the impact of infrastructure investment on the high-quality development of commercial circulation industry. The results show that from the national level, there is a significant inverted "U" relationship between infrastructure investment and high-quality development of commercial circulation industry. That is to say, the role of infrastructure construction in the high-quality development of commercial circulation industry is characterized by first promoting and then inhibiting. The eastern region is consistent with the national conclusion, while the central and western regions are quite different.


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