  • 期刊

Research on Dairy Product Quality Risk Identification and Early Warning Strategies from a Green Supply Chain Perspective


With the rapid growth of the domestic social economy, the lag in the development of quality and safety management in the domestic dairy industry has gradually emerged. People increasingly value the quality and safety of dairy products, but it is difficult to ensure the quality and safety of domestic dairy products. Due to the special characteristics of dairy products such as their perishability and wide coverage of production processes, how to ensure the product quality of dairy products from the perspective of the supply chain is an important factor in guiding the safe production of dairy products. This project starts from the perspective of green supply chain, improves the supervision of dairy product safety and quality in all aspects of the supply chain based on meeting the requirements of energy conservation and emission reduction, and carries out risk identification for dairy product quality through the construction of BP network neural system; Finally, based on the concept of green supply chain and quality chain, the quality and safety early warning strategy for China's dairy industry was studied.


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BaoGuang Bai, HongLei Zhu, QingXiu Fan. Application of BP neural network in early warning of dairy product quality and safety risks [J]. China Dairy Industry,2020,48(07):42-45+57. DOI: 10. 19827/ j. Issn 1001-2230.2020.07.009.
