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Geriatric and Non-Geriatric Psychiatry Consultation in a General Hospital


Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare clinically significant issues in a psychiatric consultation service for geriatric and non-geriatric inpatients in a general hospital in Taiwan. Methods: Using hospital medical records, we studied psychiatric consultation for inpatients who were aged 65 years or older in comparison with younger patients. The sociodemographics, source of referral, reasons for referral, and psychiatric diagnoses were collected. Results: A total of 989 patients were recruited. Geriatric patients constituted 43.0% of all psychiatric referrals. Medical Department ranked the first in the number of requests for consultation. Over one-third of patients were referred for disturbing behaviors. Significant difference was found in the reason of disturbing behaviors and past psychiatric history between geriatric and non-geriatric patient. Among psychiatric diagnoses, organic mental disorder and affective disorder were common in both geriatric and non-geriatric patients. There were significant difference in organic mental disorder, psychotic disorder, neurotic disorder, and substance use disorder between the elderly and non-elderly patients. Conclusions: The most common reason for referral was symptoms related to organic mental disorders in the geriatric group, such as disturbing behaviors. This was compatible with the result that organic mental disorders were the most common psychiatric diagnoses in the geriatric group. Non-geriatric patients suffered more from substance use disorder than geriatric patients, showing that the elder patients may quit substance use due to medical illness or health consideration. Understanding the difference between the two groups can help the clinicians to make accurate diagnosis and treatment for psychiatric problems.


consultation geriatric psychiatry


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