  • 期刊


Effects of Feeding High Oil Corn on Growth Performance and Carcass Traits in Pekin Ducks


本試驗之目的在評估高油分玉米(high oil corn, HOC)餵飼北京鴨之生產效果,試驗分三處理組,每處理組3重複,每重複24隻,公母各半,重複兩批餵飼試驗。各處理組飼糧之熱能及粗蛋白質近似,處理一飼糧以傳統玉米(CC)及大豆油為主要能量來源;處理二飼糧以HOC取代處理一之CC及大豆油;處理三飼糧與處理二飼糧近似,唯其HOC用量與處理一之CC用量相同。試驗期間飼糧之代謝能為2900 kcal/kg,0~3及3~10週齡之粗蛋白質分別為19%及16%。鴨隻於0、3、6及10週齡個別稱重,並記錄0~3、3~6及6~10週齡飼料採食量與飼料利用效率,試驗結束10週齡時,每重複各取公母兩隻屠宰,測定活體重、血液重、羽毛重、屠體重、腹脂重、腸重及可食內臟重,包括心、肝、砂囊。此外,並測定胸肉之一般組成分及貯存期間之脂質氧化安定性。結果顯示:餵飼HOC組之鴨隻0~6週齡採食量略較餵飼CC組為低,6週齡體重亦較輕。然而在6~10週齡則呈現相反的趨勢,餵飼HOC組之鴨隻採食量略較餵飼CC組為高,且10週齡體重有較重的趨勢。在屠體性狀方面,餵飼HOC有降低腹脂重及胸肉之粗脂肪含量的趨勢,且砂囊重及肝臟重有增加的趨勢,屠宰率、羽毛重、血液重、心重及腸重則未受飼糧中玉米種類影響,HOC亦未改進胸肉之脂質氧化安定性。由此可見,餵飼HOC有改善飼料效率及降低腹脂重與胸肉中粗脂肪含量的趨勢。


The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of high oil corn (HOC) on the growth performance and carcass characteristics in Peking ducks. Isocaloric and isonitrogenous diets were used. Metabolizable energy (ME) was 2900 kcal/kg of diet throughout this study. The levels of crude proteins (CP) were 19% and 16% for the starter and finisher diet, respectively. Body weight, body weight gain, feed intake and feed efficiency were recorded. At 10 weeks of age, two males and two females from each replicate were slaughtered. Live weights, bleeding weights; plucking weights, and weights of carcass, abdominal fat, intestine, liver, heart, and gizzard were determined. Approximate composition and oxidative stability of breast meat were also investigated. Body weights at 3 weeks of age were similar among groups. Although there was a trend of lower feed intake in the treatments with HOC between 0 and 6 weeks of age, feed efficiency was similar among treatments at this period. A lower body weight at 6 weeks of age was observed in the ducks fed diets with HOC. However, at 10 weeks of age, Peking ducks fed diets with HOC tended to have higher body weights and better feed efficiency than those ducks fed diets with CC. When slaughtered at 10 weeks of age, Peking ducks fed diets with HOC tended to decrease relative abdominal fat weights and crude fat in the breast meat. However, a trend of higher gizzard and liver weights was noted in ducks fed diets with HOC. In conclusion, Peking ducks fed diets containing HOC tended to improve feed efficiency, less abdominal fat, and lower proportion of crude fat compared to ducks fed diets with CC.
