  • 期刊


Effect of dietary energy on the performance of dry dairy goats


本試驗目的為探討懷孕末期乳山羊的能量需要量。選取懷孕末期乳山羊30頭逢機分成3處理組,於懷孕後第90天開始進行飼養試驗至分娩後第三個月結束,飼養為期五個月。乳山羊於懷孕後第90天至分娩後第一週,分別餵飼三種試驗飼糧,其粗蛋白質(CP)皆為13.5%,而能量(NEL)分別為(1)低能量組1.52 Mcal/kg(ME 2.45 Mcal/kg),(2)中能量組1.62 Mcal/kg(ME 2.61 Mcal/kg),(3)高能量組1.68 Mcal/kg(ME 2.71 Mcal/kg),三處理組母羊於產後泌乳初期三個月餵飼相同組成之泌乳飼糧(CP16%,NEL 1.70 Mcal/kg)。試驗結果顯示天門冬酸轉胺酶(Aspartate aminotransferase, AST)及血清尿素氮(Serum urea nitrogen, SUN)在懷孕末期之含量,三處理組間差異不顯著,但有隨著飼糧能量降低而升高之趨勢。懷孕末期飼予不同能量濃度之飼糧,對產後三個月之血清中AST、SUN及血清總蛋白質(Total protein, TP),三處理組間差異亦不顯著。在母羊增重方面,懷孕末期以高能量組較其他兩組之增重差異不顯著,但有較高增重之趨勢(P<0.1)。懷孕末期餵飼低能量飼糧之乳山羊於產後三個月之增重顯著的較高及中能量飼糧組差(P<0.05)。在乾物質採食量方面,三處理組間差異不顯著。懷孕末期餵飼低及中能量飼糧之乳山羊於產後三個月之產乳量顯著的較高能量飼糧組佳(P<0.05),但其乳成分在三處理組間差異不顯著(P>0.05)。仔羊出生重及離乳體重則以高能量能組顯著的較低及中能量組重(P<0.05)且有過重的現象。綜合上述,懷孕末期餵飼低及中能量飼糧之乳山羊於產後三個月之產乳量顯著的較高能量飼糧組佳,且仔羊出生重較適中。


The objectives of the study were to determine the effect of different dietary levels of energy on the lactation performance of the dairy goats during dry period. Thirty dairy goats were selected and assigned to the experimental diets. In equal crude protein content, diets were formulated into three different levels of energy, including low energy (NEL 1.52 mcal/kg) and mid energy (NEL 1.62 mcal/kg) and high energy (NEL 1.68 mcal/kg). All dairy goats were fed the same lactation diet (NEL 1.70 mcal/ kg, CP 16%) after parturition until three months postpartum, respectively. The results showed that aspartate aminotransferase in blood and serum urea nitrogen concentration were not significantly different among the treatments in the dry period. The total protein and aspartate aminotransferase in blood and serum urea nitrogen concentration also did not differ among the treatments in the three months postpartum. There was a tendency that the weight gains from dairy goats fed on high energy level in dry period were higher (P < 0.1) than those fed on the other treatment, but the weight gains of dairy goats fed on low energy level were lower (P < 0.05) than those fed on high and mid energy level in the three months postpartum. The birth weight of kids from dairy goats fed on high energy level were higher (P < 0.05) than those fed on mid and low energy level. The average feed intakes were not different among treatments. The milk yields of the dairy goats fed on low and mid energy levels were higher (P < 0.05) than those fed on high energy level. The milk composition, the percentage of milk protein, milk fat, the content of lactose, total solids and the urea nitrogen content in milk showed no difference among all the treatments. In conclusion, dairy goats fed on low or mid energy level during the dry period performed better in reproduction and milk production.
