  • 期刊


The effect of dietary addition of the recombinant colipase on growth performance and fat utilization of TLRI Black Piglets 2wks postweaning


本試驗目的係評估運用酵母細胞轉形株分泌之重組胰輔脂肪瓷,添加於飼糧中,對畜試黑豬離乳仔豬生長性能與脂肪利用率之效果。試驗使用48頭32-35日齡之畜試黑豬離乳仔豬,依體重與性別逢機分配於對照組(空白組)和試驗組(添加5000 U/kg重組胰輔脂肪瓷)中,每處理組有6重複。試驗結果顯示,飼糧添加5000 U/kg重組胰輔脂肪瓷具有提升離乳至離乳後第7天期間之飼料利用效率。在離乳後第8天至第14天與全期離乳仔豬之日增重、飼料攝食量與飼料利用效率方面,均以添加組顯著地優於未添加組(P<0.05)。在離乳後第7天添加組豬隻血液之三酸甘油脂含量,沒有顯著高於對照組,但是於離乳第14天時,添加組顯著地高於對照組(P<0.05)。由上述結果顯示,畜試黑豬仔豬離乳後最初2週之飼糧中添加5000 U/kg重組胰輔脂肪瓷,具有提升仔豬生長性能與脂肪利用率之效果。


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of adding recombinant colipase derived from yeast transformants on growth performance and fat utilization of TLRI black Pigs of 2 wks postweaning. A total of 48 postweaning TLRI black piglets averaging 32 to 35 days of age were divided into experimental group with diet added with 5,000 U/kg of recombinant colipase and control group with basal diet. The result showed that piglets of experimental group fed with diet added with 5,000 U/kg of recombinant colipase had remarkably (P<0.05) superior feed efficiency to control group during the first week postweaning. The growth performance including ADG, ADFI, and feed efficiency for piglets of experimental group also was better when added with 5,000 U/kg of recombinant colipase than those of control group for the period from 8th to 14th day and whole experimental period postweaning. No difference in blood triglyceride concentration for both groups on the 7 day postweaning was observed. However, they were significantly (P < 0.05) higher for piglets fed diet added with 5,000 U/kg of recombinant colipase on the 14 day postweaning. The result showed that diet added with 5,000 U/kg of recombinant colipase could improve the growth performance and fat utilization of TLRI black pigs of 2 wks postweaning.


Recombinant colipase Triglyceride Piglets
