  • 期刊


Effects of nilegrass on the growth performance and development of gastrointestinal tract in goslings


本試驗目的為探討尼羅草台畜草一號(Acroceras machrum)乾草添加於飼糧中對育雛期白羅曼鵝(White Roman goose)生長性狀及消化道功能發展之影響。使用240隻初生白羅曼雛鵝,公母各半,依性別與體重逢機分配至12欄,每欄20隻。於2-5週齡(育雛期)階段,試驗飼料以尼羅乾草為主要飼糧纖維來源,調配為3、6、9及12%等4個粗纖維含量處理組,每處理三重複,各試驗飼糧均含粗蛋白質20%,代謝能2900kcal/kg。試驗期間測定飼料採食量、生長性能,並量測消化道之重量及長度、醣類消化酵素活性等。結果顯示,於2-5週齡之間,鵝隻餵飼含12%粗纖維量飼糧,其採食量顯著較其他處理組為低(P<0.05);而餵飼粗纖維含量3至6%飼糧處理組,隻日增重顯著較粗纖維含量12%者為高(P<0.05)。而鵝隻消化器官及腸道重量或相對重量均有隨飼糧粗纖維含量提高而呈顯著提高之現象(P<0.05),鵝隻腹脂重量則隨著飼糧粗纖維含量提高而呈顯著降低(P<0.05)。鵝隻胰臟或小腸各部位黏膜中澱粉瓷及麥芽糖瓷活性隨著飼糧粗纖維含量提高而呈顯著較低(P<0.05),且均以含最高纖而腸道內容物之澱粉瓷及麥芽糖瓷活性亦有相同之趨勢。於5週齡鵝隻之盲腸內容物中纖維素瓷及纖維二糖瓷活性或比活性皆隨著飼糧粗纖維含量提高而呈顯著提高之現象(P<0.05)。綜上所述,於2-5週齡雛鵝餵飼飼糧添加尼羅乾草,使飼糧粗纖維含量6-9%,其生長性狀並不受影響,可促進消化道的發育及盲腸纖維素瓷活性之發展,並顯著降低腹脂重量。


雛鵝 尼羅草 消化道


The purpose of this study was conducted to investigate the effects of feeding nilegrass (Acroceras machrum) on the growth performances and the development of gastrointestinal tract in goslings. A total of 240 day-old goslings were divided into four treatments with 3 replicates. The basal diet contained CP 20% and ME 2900 kcal/kg. Nilegrass were added to the basal diets to obfain diets containing 3, 6, 9 and 12% fiber, respectively. Feed and water were supplied ad libitum during the 2 to 5 wks of age. The results indicated that goslings fed diet containing 12% fiber had significantly lower feed intake. The geese fed with 3% and 6% fiber diets had larger weight gain (P < 0.05) than other groups. Meanwhile, the weight of digestive organ and intestine of goslings were significantly ( P < 0.05) increased with increasing crude fiber levels, but the activities of amylase and maltase were decreased in each section of small intestinal mucosa when in the fiber level in diets was increased. The activities of amylase and maltase of small intestinal contents of goslings at 5 weeks of age were also decreased. A increase in the activities of cellulase or cellobiase was found when the dietary fiber level were increased. In conclusion, there was no dietary fiber effect on the growth performance of goslings, but the development of digestive tract and activity of cellulase in caecum were improved when goslings were fed with 6 - 9% fiber level in diets during 2 to 5 weeks of age.
