  • 期刊


A study of organic forage production: comparison of four intercropping-systems of perennial legumes with forage corn


本研究主要目的為了解利用多年生豆科牧草於青割玉米有機生產之可行性。試驗中採用四種多年生牧草:多年生花生(Arachis glabrata Benth)、爪哇大豆(Neonotonia wightii)、苜蓿(Medicago sativa)及蔓花生(A. pintoi Krap. & Greg.),在未施肥之下分別與青割玉米進行交互間植,試驗調查青刈之產量、品質以及利用混合收穫進行青貯調製之結果。青割玉米、豆科牧草與雜草之組成比例在各處理中差異顯著,以總生物量與青割玉米產量而言,蔓花生的間植效果最好,其次為多年生花生,此二處理的青割玉米鮮草產量分別為37.3 ton/ha及32.8 ton/ha,加上豆科產量分別為46.8 ton/ha及33.4 ton/ha。爪哇大豆及苜蓿處理的總生物量與青割玉米產量都較差,青割玉米產量分別為蔓花生組之31%及42%,但含有極高比例的豆科牧草。除產量外,青刈牧草品質在四種處理下也有顯著差異,多年生花生、爪哇大豆、苜蓿及蔓花生處理之粗蛋白質總產量分別為1115.4 kg/ha、1175.6 kg/ha、1032.8 kg/ha及1682.2 kg/ha。以間植後收穫之混合牧草進行青貯調製結果,蔓花生與多年生花生處理的青貯品質極佳,但爪哇大豆與苜蓿處理之產物不適合青貯調製,添加乳酸菌僅使青貯發酵的丁酸含量降低以及乾物回收率提高,但對青貯品質的改善效果有限。本試驗結果顯示,蔓花生及多年生花生與青割玉米間植可用以建立少肥料及低投入的有機芻料生產體系,其收穫產物利用於青刈或青貯皆宜。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of incorporation of perennial legumes in organic forage corn production. Four cropping combinations were conducted in this study, which were rhizoma peanut (Arachis glabrata Benth), perennial soybean (Neonotonia wightii), alfalfa (Medicago sativa), and perennial peanut (A. pintoi Krap. & Greg.) intercropped with forage corn separately, to estimate the effects of different legumes on yield and quality of green cut and silage of the mixture under the absence of fertilizer application. The biomass percents of forage corn, legume and weed were significantly different among combinations. The perennial peanut system produced the highest mixture and forage corn, followed by the performance of rhizoma peanut system. The forage corn yield in perennial peanut and rhizome peanut intercropping systems were 37.3 ton/ha and 32.8 ton/ha respectively, which went up to 46.8 ton/ha and 33.4 ton/ha when addition of the legume yield. The forage corn yield were significantly decreased in perennial soybean and alfalfa systems, which were only 31% and 42% of perennial peanut system. However, mixture of these two harvests contained high levels of legume. Beside the yield, forage quality of these four intercropping system were substantially different, too. Total protein yield of perennial peanut, rhizoma peanut, soybean and alfalfa treatment were 1682.2 kg 1115.4, 1175.6 and 1032 kg N/ha respectively. The mixture harvested from perennial peanut and rhizome peanut systems could make good silage, while those harvested from perennial soybean and alfalfa systems were not suitable for ensiling. Inoculation of Lactobacillus could reduce the butyric acid content and increased the dry matter recovery of silage, although the quality of silage was not improved significantly. Our results indicated that perennial peanut and rhizome peanut could intercrop with forage corn to establish a fertilizer limited and low-input organic production system. The harvest mixture of these two systems could be utilized either as green cut or silage.
