  • 期刊


Effect of chromium picolinate supplementation into concentrate on growth performance and blood parameters of organic goats


本研究使用32頭臺灣黑山羊,公、母各半,依性別與體重分為四組,以探討精料中添加吡啶甲酸鉻(chromium picolinate)對有機山羊生長性能與血液性狀之影響。精料之吡啶甲酸鉻添加量為400 ppb(乾基),而對照組則不添加。羊隻飼養與管理悉依有機飼養管理標準流程進行,試驗期為178天。結果顯示,精料中添加吡啶甲酸鉻之處理組公、母羊與未添加吡啶甲酸鉻之對照組公、母羊之平均每日乾物質採食量分別為0.760、0.725、0.820與0.800 kg/head/day,並以未添加吡啶甲酸鉻之對照組公羊顯著(P<0.05)高於添加吡啶甲酸鉻之處理組公、母羊。添加吡啶甲酸鉻之處理組公、母羊與對照組公、母羊之平均日增重依序為0.085、0.068、0.076與0.064 kg/head/day,飼料利用效率分別為13.2、15.7、15.9及18.4,而每公斤體重之增重成本則分別為新台幣101.9、121.2、122.6及141.9元。在各項血液性狀中,僅血清總磷濃度於性別間具有顯著(P<0.05)差異。本試驗結論認為,有機山羊精料中添加400 ppb有機鉻(乾基),可改善其平均日增重與飼料利用效率,並使其增重成本降低15.7%,惟對其血液性狀無顯著之影響。


A total of thirty-two organic proved Taiwan black goats, divided into four groups as organic chromium (Added-Cr) or control group (Con), were used to investigate the effect of genders and chromium supplementation in concentrate on the growth performance and blood parameters of goats. Four hundred ppb of chromium picolinate was added into concentrate as dry matter basis in Added-Cr groups only. The feeding and management methods were followed by The Organic Feeding and Management Standard in Taiwan. The experiment trial was lasted 178 days. The results showed that the dry matter intake of kids in four groups were 0.760, 0.725, 0.820, and 0.800 kg/ head/day for Added-Cr male, Added-Cr female, Con male, and Con female goats, respectively. Male goat, which in control group, and significantly (P<0.05) higher intake than that in Added-Cr groups. The average daily gain and the feed efficiency of kids in four groups were 0.085 kg/head/day, 13.2 vs. 0.068 kg/head/day, 15.7 vs. 0.076 kg/ head/day, 15.9 vs. 0.064 kg/head/day, 18.4, respectively. Meanwhile, the cost of per kilogram body weight gain was 101.9, 121.2, 122.6, and 141.9 NT dollars, respectively. There were no difference on blood parameters among those four groups except the serum phosphorous concentration which was affected by gender (P<0.05). It was concluded that adding 400 ppb chromium picolinate into concentrate on dry matter basis are likely to improve the average daily weight gain and feed efficiency of organic goats, and decreasing 15.7% production cost of goats. Nevertheless, the concentration of blood parameters was no significant difference among groups when adding chromium picolinate.
