  • 期刊


Survey on the prevalence of caprine arthritis encephalitis virus on the meat-type goats: an example farm in southern part of Taiwan


本試驗旨在調查臺灣常見肉用山羊之山羊關節炎腦炎病毒(caprine arthritis encephalitis virus, CAEV)抗體檢出率。調查地點為南部某羊場,調查時間自2009年7月至2010年7月。每半年分別採集受檢羊隻之頸靜脈血樣10 mL,經離心取得血清後進行CAEV抗體檢測。結果顯示,CAEV抗體檢出率隨羊隻年齡之增加而極顯著提高(χ^2 = 55.52, P < 0.0001),其中以3-4歲齡羊隻之CAEV抗體檢出率達88.9%最高,小於1歲齡者最低(51.4%)。品種極顯著影響CAEV之抗體檢出率(χ^2 = 37.32, P < 0.0001),其中以努比亞山羊之抗體檢出率最高(95.8%),雜交山羊與臺灣黑山羊最低,分別佔38.9及42.9%。性別極顯著影響CAEV之抗體檢出率(χ^2 = 16.04, P = 0.0003),公、母羊之CAEV抗體檢出率分別為45.2及69.1%。CAEV抗體陰性之羊隻間隔半年後再行檢測,發現其CAEV抗體轉陽率為48.3%,疑陽性率則為10.3%。CAEV抗體陰性或陽性之母羊採自然哺乳者,仔羊之CAEV抗體陽性率分別0及58.6%。CAEV抗體陽性之母羊如於分娩後立即將仔羊隔離,復以餵飼經56℃、1小時滅菌條件之初乳,則仔羊之抗體陰性率為54.8%。顯示年齡、品種、性別均影響臺灣常見之肉用山羊CAEV抗體檢出率。仔羊如於出生後立即與母羊隔離,再餵食經56℃、1小時滅菌之初乳,具有降低CAEV抗體檢出率之效果。


The purpose of this survey was to understand the prevalence of caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) in meat-type goats raised at a farm in the southern part of Taiwan. This survey was conducted from July 2009 to July 2010. Serum samples, which came from goat's jugular vein in six month intervals, were assayed. The results showed that the prevalence of CAEV among meat-type goats were increased with the increase of age(χ^2 = 55.52, P < 0.0001). Evidence showed that goats aged 3-4 years old had a highest percentage of positive CAEV(88.9%). On the contrary, goats below one year of age had a lowest percentage of positive CAEV(51.4%). Meanwhile, breed significantly affects the prevalence of CAEV on this goat farm(χ^2 = 37.32, P < 0.0001). Nubian had a highest(98.5%) percentage of positive CAEV. Hybrid goats or Taiwan black goats had a lowest(38.9 and 42.9%) percentage of positive CAEV, respectively. There was also a significant difference(χ^2 = 16.04, P = 0.0003) in the percentage of positive CAEV between male and female goats(45.2 and 69.1%), respectively. The CAEV negative goats change to CAEV positive or CAEV suspected positive goats were 48.3 and 10.3%, respectively, while they were be assayed again after six months later. The CAEV negative or positive does which nursing their kids with natural had created the result of 0 or 58.6% of CAEV negative kids, respectively. The percentage of negative CAEV in the kids, when separation procedure and colostrums pasteurization by heat at 56℃ for 1 hour had been conducted after delivered immediately, was 54.8%. We concluded that age, breed, and gender could affect the prevalence of CAEV in meat-type goats in Taiwan. Kids fed with colostrums pasteurized by heat could decrease the prevalence of CAEV.
