  • 期刊


Application of poultry fat in cosmetics researches


本試驗旨在探討雞、鴨、鵝等家禽脂肪應用於研發高價值化妝品或保養品。結果顯示,利用乾煉法油浴加熱提煉油脂,家禽類油脂在80℃,30分鐘的煉油條件下,可達穩定煉油率。鵝油的酸價(1.4 mg KOH / g fat)與過氧化價(19 meq / kg fat)最高,顯示該油脂初期氧化情形較為嚴重,後續利用上可能存在保存不易之問題。過氧化價以鴨油最低,其值皆小於1.2 meq / kg fat,而不飽和脂肪酸含量最高(74%),其主要組成分為油酸、亞麻油酸與次亞麻油酸類。雞油中所含之維生素A、E與共軛亞麻油酸含量皆高於其他家禽油脂,然因雞脂肪夾雜不純物較多,使其煉油率較低。綜合家禽油脂物化性質,以乾煉法提煉之家禽油脂其滑順度佳且不黏膩,又屬與空氣接觸不會形成薄膜的不乾性油,具高煉油率、低酸價、低融點且於室溫下為液態、功能性脂肪酸含量高等優點。經過脫酸與脫色後的家禽油脂,其顏色透亮無油耗味,且含有維生素E及少量共軛亞麻油酸等成分,經重金屬檢測結果皆符合化妝品使用標準及食用油脂衛生標準,適合用於化妝品或保養品的研發與製作。


家禽油脂 提煉 純化 化妝品


This study was to take advantage of the discarded poultry fat to turn into high value-added skin-care products. The result indicated that the rendering yield would be obtained stably when the poultry fat was treated at 80℃, 30 minutes by dry rendering with oil bath. Both of the acidic value (1.4 mg KOH/g) and the peroxide value (19 meq/kg) of goose oil were the highest in the experiment, which also showed that it might be difficultly stored due to the serious oxidation in the initial period. The duck fat had the lowest peroxide value (1.2 meq/kg) and the highest unsaturated fatty acid content (74%). The major components of the unsaturated fatty acid in dark fat are oleic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid. The chicken oil had highest concentration of vitamin A, E and CLA than other poultry fats but had the lowest rendering yield because of the impurities. In conclusion, the poultry fat by dry rendering method might be good for use because of their smoothly texture but not sticky, property without performing thin membrane when exposed to the air, high rendering yield, low acidic value, liquid state at room temperature, and high functional fatty acid content. After purified by get rid of free fatty acids and pigment, the colors in poultry fat were penetrable with light, and the odors were good to smell. They were also good to use for the researches of the cosmetics because of the components including vitamin A, E and CLA, and the heavy metal contents were under level in the limitary standard of cosmetics and the hygiene standard in edible oil.


Poultry fat Rendering Purification Cosmetics
