  • 期刊


Effects of dietary inclusion of two stage mix-probiotics fermented feedstuff on growth performances and immune response of growing pigs


本試驗旨在探討飼糧添加二階段混合型益生菌發酵飼料原料,對高畜雜交黑豬生長期之生長及免疫性狀之影響。第一階段利用對蛋白質能力較好的枯草桿菌(N21),將飼料進行分解後,於第二階段使用產酸能力較好的乳酸菌(L12)進行發酵。試驗選用64頭平均體重27.71±1.26 kg之杜洛克(D,♀)×高畜黑豬(K,♂)雜交肉豬,逢機分置於4處理組,即飼糧中5%魚粉組(對照組),與5、10及15%發酵飼料原料組。每處理4重複,每重複4頭,閹公豬及女豬各半,餵飼等粗蛋白質及等代謝能(CP 18.0%、ME 3,265 kcal/kg)飼糧,試驗為期9週,飼料及飲水任食。試驗結果顯示,5及10%發酵飼料原料組與5%魚粉組之三組間之每隻日飼料採食量及飼料轉換率無顯著差異。但飼糧添加至15%發酵飼料原料,其日增重顯著較其他各處理組低(P<0.05)。5及10%發酵飼料原料組血液中之干擾素-γ(interferon-γ,IFN-γ)、促裂原脂多醣(lipopolysaccharide, LPS)與伴刀豆球蛋白(concanavalin A,con A)濃度及氧爆(oxygen burst)作用顯著較5%魚粉組高(P<0.05)。而吞噬作用(phagocytosis)於各處理組間則無顯著影響。5及10%發酵飼料原料組之IgA力價顯著較5%魚粉組高(P<0.05);IgG力價,以10%發酵飼料原料組顯著較5%魚粉組及15%發酵飼料原料組高(P<0.05)。綜上所述,在生長豬飼糧中添加5%二階段發酵飼料原料組能取代5%魚粉,獲得相近的生長性能及較佳免疫反應。


生長豬 生長 免疫 發酵飼料


The study was conducted to determine the effects of dietary supplementation of two stage fermented feedstuff (TSFF) supplemented on growth performance and immune response of growing Duroc × KHAPS (Kaohsiung Animal Propagation Station) black pigs. Bacillus subtilis natto (N21), a selected strain with higher fibrin proteolytic capacity was supplemented at the initial fermentation stage. The specific strain of Lactobacillus sporogenes (L12) with higher acidic capacity was added in the following fermentation stage. The raw ingredients used as substrate for the fermentation was a mixture of 60% soybean meal and 40% hydrolyzed feather meal. Four different dietary treatments were formulated into iso-crude protein (CP = 18.0%) and iso-metabolizable energy diets (ME = 3,265 Kcal/Kg). A total of 64 Duroc × KHAPS black pigs with initial body weight of 27.71 ± 1.26 kg were randomly assigned into 4 treatment groups of both genders. Control diet was formulated with 5% fish meal (control group) and treatment groups used to replace fish meal 5, 10 or 15% TSFF. The feeding duration was 9-wks. Our results showed that the feeding, 5-10% TSFF could improve growth performance. The feeding of 15% TSFF showed that the daily feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion ratio became worst (P < 0.05). The immunity competence results showed, the 5% and 10% TSFF were significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the 5% fish meal and 15% TSFF group on gamma interferon (IFN-γ), secretion, lymphobastogensis and oxygen burst activity of granulocytes. There were no significant difference in phagocytosis activity. The 10% TSFF had significantly increased (P < 0.05) IgA concentration in comparison with control group and 15% TSFF. The comparisons of IgG level, Forthermore, the 10% TSFF group was significantly higher in IgG level (P < 0.05) among treatment groups. In conclusion, the fed 5% TSFF had similar to growth performance and the better immune response than 5% fish meal during the growing stage.


Growing pigs Growth Immune Fermented feedstuff
