  • 期刊


Assessment of gelation of weaner diet on the growth performance, immunoglobulin contents, diarrhea occurrence and the number of fecal microflora of postweaning pigs


試驗目的評估凝膠化保育料(gelaton of weaner diet)與傳統保育料(regular weaner diet)對離乳期仔豬之生長性狀、免疫球蛋含量、下痢發生率與糞便微生物數量之影響。試驗採用26-28日齡離乳仔豬,公母各半共24頭,依性別與體重完全逢機分配於保育欄舍共12欄(1公1母),飼糧有傳統保育料與凝膠化保育料(乾物量30%-35%),飼驗期間共4週,第一週期間,分別於每日8:00、11:00、14:00與17:00各餵飼一次,第二週以後採任食方式餵飼。試驗結果,離乳仔豬體重與日增重以餵飼凝膠化保育料較傳統保育料有較佳之趨勢。仔豬的採食量與飼料效率以及血液尿素氮含量,餵飼凝膠化保育料組顯著優於傳統保育料組。在下痢生發率方面,亦以餵飼凝膠化保育料組,出現輕微與中度軟便百分率較餵飼傳統保育料組低。因此,在保育期以凝膠化保育料餵飼離乳仔豬的飼養方式,可以運用於改善離乳仔豬的生長性狀與下痢的發生率。


凝膠化 生長性狀 保育豬


The objectives of this experiment was assessed the effect of gelaton of weaner diet and regular weaner diet on growth performance, immunoglobulin content, diarrhea incidence and the number of fecal microbial of postweaning pigs. Experimental animals adopted 26-28 days of age weaning piglets, a total of 24 hd male and female in half, and in accordance with gender and body weight random allocating to 12 pens (1 male 1 female per each pen). Feeding diets had regular weaner diet and gelation of weaner diet (dry matter roughly at 30-35%) for 4 weeks of test period, during the first week, daily at 8:00, 11:00, 14:00 and 17:00 were feeding time, after that piglets were allowed free access to diet. The results showed that in bodyweight and average daily gain fed piglets with gelation of weaner diet had a better tendency than fed pigs with regular weaner diet. In feed intake and feed efficiency and BUN (blood urea nitrogen) concentration of piglets, fed piglets with gelation of weaner diet surpassed fed pigs with regular weaner diet. Diarrhea incidence showed light soft feces and intermediate soft feces of percentage, feeding gelation of weaner diet group was lower than feeding regular weaner diet group. Thus, application of gelation of weaner diet of feeding regime might be used to rear weaning piglets to improve their growth performance and incidence of diarrhea during the weaning period.


Gelation Growth performance Weaner pig
