  • 期刊


Inheritance of coat color in piglets of Meishan and Duroc crosses in favor of black coat selection




毛色遺傳 雜交 杜洛克豬 梅山豬


The purpose of this study was to select for black coat from crossbred of Meishan and Duroc. The 66 Duroc pigs and 65 Meishan pigs, boars and sows, respectively, were reciprocally crossed with Meishan breed. The F_1 pigs showing black color in the skin had 98.7% (695/704). Coat color of hybrid piglets recorded at birth from F_1 to F_5 generations included solid black (B), golden longitudinal stripes of black (L), golden longitudinal stripes of red (Q), and solid red (R), which were further classified into two categories, black (B + L) and red (Q + R) series. In favor of black series color selection following by reproduction evaluation was conducted in this study, and then selected animals were mated between themselves within generation. The adjusted chi-square statistic with Yates' correction for continuity was used for testing the goodness-of-fit under genetic hypotheses of single gene difference between Meishan and Duroc breeds. The actual frequency of coat color observed in F_1, F_2 and F_3 generations seemed to bear this out, giving credence to the hypotheses. However, it was no the case for data obtained in F_2 and F_3 generations, and thus the hypotheses pf one gene segregating two alleles (E and e in Meishan and Durco pigs, respectively, within this study) was rejected. This implied coat color expression in pigs might be partly regulated by other gene (non-KIT gene) in which nonepistatic interaction between loci identified seemed to be involved.


Coat color inheritance Cross Duroc pig Meishan pig
