  • 期刊


The effect of metabolizable energy intake on the egg production and egg quality for brown layers in cage during laying period


本試驗旨在探討產蛋期不同代謝能餵飼量,對籠飼褐殼蛋雞產蛋性能及雞蛋品質之影響。試驗選用25週齡商業品系之伊沙褐殼蛋雞(Isa brown layers)160隻,依代謝能餵飼量分為4處理組,每組4重複,餵飼等蛋白質濃度(18.5 g/隻/天)但不同代謝能濃度之飼糧,每天每隻餵飼95 g飼料,各處理組之平均隻日代謝能餵飼量分別為A組265 kcal、B組273 kcal、C組281 kcal及D組289 kcal。試驗期間水任飲,每天給與光照16小時,共進行8週,至32週齡結束。試驗期間記錄並測定產蛋雞之產蛋率、蛋重、產蛋量(egg mass)、飼料能量效率比(feed ME, kcal/egg mass, g)、蛋形指數、蛋殼顏色與強度及厚度、蛋黃重量、高度、顏色與蛋黃係數及蛋黃比例、蛋白比例與豪氏單位等,並作為衡量指標。結果顯示,產蛋率、蛋重、產蛋量、蛋黃重及蛋黃高度以A處理組(265 kcal)顯著低於其他處理組(P < 0.05)。飼料能量效率比以B處理組(273 kcal)顯著優於A處理組(265 kcal)(P < 0.05)。體重變化、死亡率、蛋殼品質、豪氏單位、蛋黃係數、蛋黃與蛋白比例、蛋形指數、蛋殼及蛋黃顏色等性狀於各處理組間則無顯著差異。本試驗結果顯示,褐殼蛋雞產蛋期之代謝能攝取量達273 kcal/天/隻,即可維持良好產蛋率及雞蛋品質。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary metabolizable energy (ME) levels on the egg production and quality for brown layers raised in cage. A total of one hundred and sixty Isa commercial brown layers, 25 weeks of age were randomly divided into four groups and provided the average daily ME intake for 265 kcal, 273 kcal, 281 kcal, and 289 kcal, respectively. Each group was fed with the isoprotein diet and restricted the diet for 95 g per day per bird (18.5 g protein/bird/day). Laying hens in each group were allocated into four replicates with 10 in each treatment group. Water was supplied ad libitum and photoperiod was provided 16 hours per day. Experimental period was eight weeks from 25 to 32 weeks of age. The egg production, egg weight, egg mass, egg efficiency, egg shape index, egg shell colors and characteristics (strength, thickness and ratio), yolk weight, height, colors, ratio and yolk index, egg white ratio and haugh unit, were measured and used as parameters for determining the ME requirements. The results showed that egg production, egg weight, egg mass, yolk weight and yolk height of group A (265 kcal ME/d) were significant (P < 0.05) lower than those others of the groups. Egg efficiency in group B (273 kcal ME/d) was significant (P < 0.05) better than that of A (265 kcal ME/d) groups. The body weight gain, mortality, egg shell quality, Haugh unit, yolk index, egg shape index, egg yolk and egg white ratio, egg shell and egg yolk color value were not influenced by ME intake. In conclusion, the daily ME intake at 273 kcal was sufficient for normal egg production and egg quality of brown layers in cage during laying period.
