  • 期刊


Effects of different ratio of rice hull and grass biochar as litter materials on the growth performance, contact dermatitis and ammonia concentrations of chicken house for broiler


本試驗旨在探討墊料材質對肉雞生長性能、排泄量及雞舍氨氣濃度之影響。採用1日齡Ross品系白肉雞1,216隻,逢機分配至4種不同稻殼及草炭混合比例的墊料處理組,即100%全稻殼(R100組)、70%稻殼+30%草炭(R70組)、55%稻殼+45%草炭(R55組)及40%稻殼+60%草炭(R40組)。每處理4欄,每欄76隻,飲水及飼糧皆採任飼,飼養至35日齡結束生長試驗。在墊料吸濕能力測定結果顯示,草炭及稻殼浸泡水中於60分鐘內,1g的草炭之吸濕能力為1g稻殼吸濕能力的2倍,經浸泡水中達90分鐘後,草炭吸濕能力仍比稻殼吸濕能力為佳,二者吸濕能力相差1.6-1.8倍,顯示草炭確實具有良好的吸水性,可作為調節雞隻欄舍含水量的墊料材質。在肉雞生長性能之結果顯示,墊料有無添加草炭對肉雞生長性能並無顯著性影響。對肉雞接觸性皮膚炎之試驗結果顯示,R55組對雞隻接觸性皮膚炎之足墊炎及踝關節灼傷病變情形顯著地(P < 0.05)低於R100組。在欄舍內氨氣濃度偵測結果顯示,墊料添加草炭對各組欄舍內的氨氣濃度均無顯著影響。綜上結果顯示,添加草炭部分取代稻殼作為白肉雞墊料,經估算草炭取代稻殼以45%為適當之取代比例。


草炭 白肉雞 接觸性皮膚炎


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of litter material on the growth performance and contact dermatitis of broiler and ammonia concentration of chicken house. A total of 1,216 one-day-old Ross commercial broilers were assigned to four litter treatments with different ratio of rice hull and grass biochar, i.e. rice hull 100% (group R100), rice hull 70% plus grass biochar 30% (group R70), rice hull 55% plus grass biochar 45% (group R55)and rice hull 40% plus grass biochar 60% (group R40), respectively. Each treatment had four pens and each pen raised 76 chicks. Feed and water were provided ad libitum during the experimental period from 1 to 35 days of age. The results showed that within 60 minutes of immersing in water, the hygroscopicity of 1 gram grass biochar has double hygroscopicity of that the 1 gram rice hull. After 90 minutes of immersing in water, the hygroscopicity of 1 gram grass biochar still has 1.6-1.8 times of hygroscopicity of 1 gram rice hull. It shows that the grass biochar has larger hygroscopicity and can be used for adjusting the water content of the litter. There were no effects of different litter materials on the average daily gain, average daily feed intake, gain/feed of the broilers and the ammonia concentrations of chicken pens. Furthermore, chicks in the R55 group had a significantly (P < 0.05) lower incidence of footpad dermatitis and hock burn than in those of the group R100. The recommended ratio of grass biochar and rice hull as the broiler litter was 45% and 55%.


Grass biochar Broiler Contact dermatitis
