  • 期刊


Performance of biogas turbine generators from wastewater treatment system of the dairy farm


本研究旨在養牛場進行沼氣發電,藉由收集與分析沼氣發電數據,並了解實際運作情形,最後做簡單之經濟分析,以提供做為養牛場日後設置沼氣發電之參考。本試驗使用微型氣渦輪發電機,並以養牛場之廢水處理設施產生之沼氣做為燃料。未經純化之沼氣先經由活性碳吸附塔脫硫處理,純化後之沼氣則導入紅泥膠皮袋儲存;發電機之額定輸出功率設定在30 kW,於發電機開啟與關閉時,量測並記錄沼氣成分與使用量、發電時間、發電量與前處理設施耗電量。結果顯示,發電機全年平均每小時發電量為24.7 ± 1.4 kWh;前處理設施全年平均每小時耗電量為3.6± 0.2 kWh,耗電量所占發電量之比值平均值為14.7 ± 0.9%。沼氣中甲烷濃度平均為57.9 ± 2.1%,二氧化碳平均濃度為29.3 ± 2.8%。發電機之熱轉換效率平均為20.8 ± 0.8%,沼氣消耗量平均為373.3 ± 12.7 L/min,平均每發1 度電需消耗0.83 ± 0.03 m^3之沼氣。全年試驗期間總計發電量為33,942度,若依躉購電價每度5.0874元計,估算發電收入為172,676元,共減少18,091 kg CO_2e之排放。以沼氣發電減少碳排放之貢獻與降低對其他能源的依賴,是值得應用與推廣。


This study aim to survey biogas power generatior at the dairy farm and make a simple economic evaluation for assessing the feasibility of using biogas power generatior. A micro gas turbine was used and the biogas was used as fuel. The rated output power of the generator was set at 30 kW. The results shewed that the annual power generation was 24.7 ± 1.4 kWh (range 23.0 ~ 27.3 kWh); the annual power consumption of the pre-treatment facility was 3.6 ± 0.2 kWh (range 3.3 ~ 3.9 kWh). The power consumption divided by the amount of electricity generated was 14.7 ± 0.9% (range 12.7 ~ 15.9%). The annual outside temperature was 23.7 ± 4.7℃ (range 16.4 ~ 29.4℃). The CH_4 concentration in biogas was 57.9 ± 2.1% (55.2 ~ 62.0%) and the CO_2 concentration was 29.3 ± 2.8% (range 24.4 ~ 33.1%). The average thermal efficiency was 20.8 ± 0.8% (range 19.6 ~ 22.0%), and the biogas consumption was 373.3 ± 12.7 L/min (range 350.5 ~ 400.5 L/min). Generator consumed an average of 0.83 ± 0.03 m^3 (range 0.77 ~ 0.88 m^3) of biogas to generate 1 kWh electricity. During the whole test, the total power generation was 33,942 kWh, and the income was about 172,676 NT$. A total of 18,091 kg CO_2e emissions was reduced. Biogas as fuel power generatior can reduce both carbon emissions and consumption of other energy sources. It was worthy of promotion to farmers.
