  • 期刊


Effects of an intelligent fan system on the growth performance and blood biochemical and hematological parameters of nursery Lanyu pigs


本試驗旨在探討畜舍智慧型監控溫度啟動風扇設施,對保育期蘭嶼豬之生長性能及血液生理與生化值之影響。此系統可依環境溫度自動啟閉風扇,並因應不同溫度調節風扇強弱,用以改善畜舍環境溫度及空氣品質。試驗分為無風扇之對照組及有智慧型監控溫度啟動風扇設施之試驗組,使用10週齡蘭嶼豬共32頭,逢機分配至2組中,公母各半,於7至9月進行為期8週試驗。結果顯示平均溫度上兩處理間無顯著差異,但溼度及溫溼度指數(temperature humidity index, THI)試驗組則顯著低於(P < 0.05)對照組;在生長性狀部分,試驗組在試驗期間平均每日採食量顯著低於對照組豬隻(P < 0.05),而飼料效率顯著高於對照組(P < 0.05),其餘性狀則無顯著差異;在血液生理值部分兩組別間皆無顯著差異;但血液生化值鹼性磷酸酶(alkaline phosphatase, ALP)及葡萄糖(glucose, GLU)等項目,均以對照組顯著低於試驗組(P < 0.05),而總蛋白(total protein, TP)、肌酸激酶(creatine kinase, CK)及血清球蛋白(globulin, GLB)項目,則以對照組顯著高於試驗組(P < 0.05)。綜上所述,本試驗結果顯示自動風扇設施可有效降低環境濕度及THI數值,利於減少熱緊迫,同時提升飼料效率。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of an intelligent temperature monitoring and control fan system in barn on the growth performance and blood biochemical parameters of Lanyu pigs during the nursery period. The system is capable of automatically control the fans, and adjusting the strength according to temperatures, which can be used to improve the ambient temperature and air quality of the barn. A total of thirty-two ten-week-old Lanyu pigs (sixteen male and sixteen female) were randomly allocated into the control group (without fans in the barn) and the test group (with an intelligence temperature monitoring and control fan system). The pigs were raised for 8 weeks in the hot season from July to September. The results showed that the average ambient temperatures were not significantly different between the control and test barn, however, the humidity and Temperature Humidity Index (THI) in the test barn were significantly lower (P < 0.05) than that in the control. Pigs raised in the control or test barn during the test period did not show differences in body weight gain, while pigs under the test barn showed significantly lower feed intake (P<0.05) and thereby better feed efficiency (P <0.05). With regards to hematological parameters, there were no significant differences between the two groups. However, in blood biochemical parameters, pigs under the control condition showed a significantly lower (P<0.05) serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and glucose (GLU), but a higher total protein (TP), globulin (GLB) level, and Creatine kinase (CK) activity levels, compare with the test groups. The higher values of TP, CK, and GLB may indicate higher heat stress. In summary, the intelligent fan system significantly reduced the ambient humidity and THI value, relieved heat stress, and improved feed efficiency of pigs in hot seasons.
