  • 期刊

On the Governance of Anthropogenic Ocean Noise Under the Concept of Marine Ecological Civilization


Various human activities, whether intentional or unintentional, generate noise pollution in the ocean, which poses a threat to the growth, physiology, behavior, and population health of marine animals, ultimately leading to negative impacts on the marine ecosystem. In this context, all nations should uphold the moral stance of marine ecological civilization to effectively govern anthropogenic ocean noise. We should prioritize the principle of equal importance to utilization and protection in governance objectives, and strive to establish a mutually beneficial relationship between humans and the ocean in harmony. We should adopt a precautionary principle in governance attitudes and use the ocean prudently to prevent any irreparable harm. We should also firmly adhere to the principle of synergy in governance methods to build a network of blue governance partners, coordinate incentives and regulations, and establish a whole-process governance thinking. To promote the governance of anthropogenic ocean noise, countries should collaborate on three aspects: Actively improving the institutional framework for the governance of anthropogenic ocean noise, deepening scientific research on ocean noise related issues, and exploring the governance model of marine ecological reserves. On China's part, we can take proactive steps to raise public awareness of marine ecological civilization, improve domestic laws and systems for managing ocean noise, intensify scientific research on the sea, and consolidate the experience gained from constructing marine national parks and ecological civilization demonstration zones. By actively engaging in the governance of anthropogenic marine noise, China can demonstrate its responsibility as a marine power.
