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Inheriting the Past: My Experience of Self-Help and Helping Others Through Psychodrama


本文以自我敘說的方式,回觀26年來,從大學心理演劇課堂上種下心理劇為助人志業的種子,歷經萌芽、成長、應用到成熟的行動歷程。處在承接陳珠璋搭心理劇的橋到臺灣,接受吳就君、王行及國外Dorothy B. Satten等先進們的訓練與督導,將心理劇方法多元應用在實務、教學與教育宣導的場域中,也研發整理出學習歷程、烏龜模組與一致性中帶出改變的路徑,在與同好共學及參與劇場者互為主體、相互培力的文化中,持續透過心理劇療癒自己與他人在助人的道路上繼續前行。


This study, on a self-narrative mode, reviews a personal history on an action taken for the psychodrama that the writer has joined for 26 years. It started when he first joined the psychodrama class, offered by Dr. Chu-chang Chen in National Taiwan University Hospital. As a pioneer, Chen introduced this to Taiwan early in 1958 with a purpose to help hospital patients. More professionals joined afterwards, including Agnes C. C. Wu, Xing Wang, and Dorothy B. Satten. Trained by Chen's class and supervised by all scholars above in numerous seminars and workshops, the writer has well developed several skills that he could conduct psychodrama in his career later, which also keep him growing continuously nowadays with practitioners, colleagues, researchers, and other related people. Meanwhile, the writer witnessed various stages, too, of this psychodrama getting developed in Taiwan ever since.
