  • 期刊


The Discussion on Marketing in Ratail of Fresh Food-Taking Fresh Herma as an Example




With the advent of the post-epidemic era, the development of the fresh food retail industry seems to have entered another new model. The offline retail industry has undergone a large-scale "shutdown tide" due to the of e-commerce retail. Moreover, after the offline retail industry has reached its peak, consumer awareness gradually increased, sales volume could not continue to increase, and dividends gradually declined, which has also caused a series of "exit tides" in offline retail. Therefore, fresh food retailers have to rethink new sales models. Take "Fresh Hema" as example, literature discussion and case analysis are used to understand the current situation of the Hema Fresh's new retail marketing strategy, and the use of analytical methods to sort out the Hema Fresh's new retail marketing strategy, so as to obtain the Hema Xiansheng 's advantages and the marketing strategy adopted in the new retail model, for the reference of other enterprises.


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