  • 期刊


The prevention of genocide begins with the prosecution of individual criminal responsibility - Human rights are not bargaining chip, but weight. -----A preliminary study on Article 25 of the Rome Statute


出於「國際社會應有以全世界為管轄範圍的刑事司法」理念而生,具有全球管轄權,國際刑事法院(International Criminal Court , ICC)自2002年建立,其管轄範圍內之犯罪行為,無追訴時效消滅之適用,俾形成實質威懾作用。主要任務在於追訴擁有國家權力卻犯下國際法嚴重犯罪所生之刑事責任,其對種族屠殺罪的現代國際法主體的個人(the individual)違反人權的審判,是能伸張實質公平正義的新機制。人為的種族滅絕可能來自經過煊染與傳播的個人仇恨,或刻意醜化的文化差異或生存競爭之下的產物,往往經過政客的包裝利用而釀成巨禍。因而其預防工作須奠基於更深層的研究,國際刑事法院之設立代表地球子民共同的願望,追訴個人刑責顯示種族滅絕的問題是每一個世界公民都該關心的。面對過去種族衝突的悲慘歷史宜以和解態度化解誤解與對立,讓和解成為地球村團結重生的力量。本文認為羅馬規約第25條規定了個人刑事責任至少有下列幾個重要意義:確立組織性犯罪下的個人罪責、個人責任之確立是和解的第一步、加害者與受害者成為和解行動之主體、追訴個人減少訴追阻力、追訴個人彌補文明概念的排他性侷限、個人難再以服從權威(命令)逃避責任,運作上,人權不是用過即丟之籌碼,而是用來扭轉普世價值的砝碼。


The International Criminal Court (ICC) was established in 2002. It's main goal is to hold criminal accountable for those crimes committed by individuals with national authorities. The trial of the individuals who commits the crime of genocide is a new mechanism that can uphold substantial fairness and justice. Man-made genocide may come from personal hatred that has been tainted and spread, or a product of deliberately vilified cultural discrimination or competition for survival. It is often operated and used by politicians, for personal purposes, to cause great tragedies. Therefore, its prevention must be based on the deeper research and prosecution of individuals. The establishment of the ICC represents the common aspirations of the peoples on the earth, and the prosecution of individual criminals shows that the issue of genocide is the concern of every citizen of the world. Facing the tragic history of the past ethnic conflicts, it is necessary to resolve misunderstandings and confrontations between different peoples with a reconciliatory attitude. In operation, one should take notes that human rights are not a bargaining chip but a weight.
