  • 期刊


The Impact of Police Administrative Law on the Development of Administrative Law and Future Issues




After the lifting of martial law in Taiwan, the police agencies lead the German Assembly and Parade Act in. At this period, the police made reference to the German legal system, amended the Administrative Execution Act and the Administrative Litigation Law, and lead the Administrative Procedure Law into Taiwan. The Article of the No. 535 by the Judicial Yuan and refer to German police law, Taiwan police agencies have established the Law on the Police Power Exercise Act. Since then, police officers have been subject to the scrutiny of the people and society when they carry out proper legal procedures in front of the public, and subsequently Administrative Penalty Act have been enacted too. After the Constitutional amendments made in 1991, Taiwan implements the depolicing. The police business has been returned to the general administration. However, due to the capacity of the general administrative agencies has not been strengthened, the police workload has not been reduced. In addition, with the implement of Administrative Penalty Act, the administrative agency of order with sanction have not strengthened their execution and need to rely on the police frequently. It has led to the need to establish a professional police agency to solve the problem of insufficient execution and investigative capacity of the Administrative agency. The development of Administrative Law is related to Police Law. In this paper the author describes the relationship in 3 stages: Stage 1- Police state period. From the Kuomintang (KMT) escaped to Taiwan to implement the Mobilize for chaos and to the end of it, Administrative Law was based on police law during this period. Stage 2- Enlightenment of the Rule of Law period. Not only the establishment of Constitution amendments Articles, the Constitutional Interpretation Justice has contributed to breaking the shrouded of the Police state. Plus, Taiwan also lead the German administrative law in, such as the Administrative Procedure Law and the Administrative Litigation Law fixed, which are characteristic of this period. Stage 3- The impact on Administrative Law and the relationship. between the establishment of Administrative Penalty Act and police officers after the establishment of the Police Power Exercise Act.
