  • 期刊


The Effects of Self-assessment for Academic Competence and Perceived Teachers' Attention on Academic Achievement for Junior High School Students in China


教育心理学的学习论指出,学生自我实现预言(self-fulfilling prophecy)和皮格马里翁效应(Pygmalion effect)都会影响学生的学习成效,而且教师采取不同的教学方式,也会刺激学生的学习成果。是以,在不同教学方式的脉络下,是否会激发学生自我能力评价和知觉教师关注程度对学习表现的影响,是值得探究的热点议题。本研究采用2014-2015年中国教育追踪调查(Chinese Educational Panel Survey,CEPS)数据,以阶层线性模型(Hierarchical Linear Model,HLM)进行跨层次分析。研究结果显示,学生自我评价语文能力和知觉教师关注程度皆正向影响语文成绩。其次,控制其他教学后,师生讨论的互动教学方式正向提升学生的语文表现。再者,分组讨论的教学方式对于学生自我语文评价和语文成绩之间的影响具有调节效果。最后,针对上述结果提出相关的讨论与建议。


In terms of learning theories, students' self-fulfilling prophecy and Pygmalion effect have more influence on their academic performance. In addition, teachers' teaching methods also have bearing on students' learning outcomes. Therefore, it is worthwhile to explore the effects of students' self-assessment and perceived teachers' attention on academic achievement under different teaching methods. This study was to use the data of 2014-2015 Chinese Educational Panel Survey by hierarchical linear model. This study indicated that students' self-assessment and perceived teachers' attention had significantly positive effect on academic achievement. Second, student-teacher interactive discussion had more improvement academic achievement. Third, group discussion had a moderation on the relationship between self-assessment and academic achievement. Finally, this study was offer some suggestions for future research.
