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Han shu (Book of the Former Han) Study in the Northern Dynasties and the Han-Dynasty Tradition of Northern Dynasties Literature




The development of Han shu漢書(Book of the Former Han) study in medieval China cannot be separated from the interpretations, research, and appropriations of Book of the Former Han in the northern areas of the Sixteen Kingdoms and Northern Dynasties. The popular stories from Book of the Former Han reconstructed the history of the Han dynasty needed in the new era then, thus laying a social foundation for the study of Book of the Former Han in the Northern Dynasties. In this period of multi-ethnic integration, the concepts of orthodoxy and Han-Yi (non-Han people "barbaric") distinction were constantly affirmed and emphasized. The regimes in the north referred to Book of the Former Han as an example of law, which allowed Book of Former Han to enter political life. In late Northern Dynasties, Book of the Former Han study, with southern scholar Yan Zhitui顔之推as a chief example, combined academic advancement of both north and south, demonstrating a new scholarly achievement of Book of the Former Han study in the Northern Dynasties. Under the influence of the time, Book of the Former Han study in the Northern Dynasties had a lasting impact on the literary development of the era. On the one hand, Book of the Former Han study influenced the development of historical literature of Northern Dynasties. Historians such as Cui Hong崔鴻and Wei Shou魏收compiled historiographies according to Book of the Former Han as a standard reference. On the other hand, Book of the Former Han study has also led to the praises and carrying-on of Han dynasty literature.


川本芳昭:《魏晉南北朝時代の民族問題》,東京:汲古書院,1998 年。
田餘慶:《拓跋史探》,北京:生活·讀書·新知三聯書店,2011 年。
佐藤賢:《もうひとつの漢魏交替———北魏道武帝期における魏號制定問題をめぐ って》,載於《東方學》第 113 輯(2007 年),第 15—33 頁。
李百藥撰:《北齊書》,北京:中華書局,1972 年。
房玄齡等撰:《晉書》,北京:中華書局,1974 年。
