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Learning Ci Poetry and Ci Poetry Theories: On Methods for Ci Writing and the Development of Ci Theory in Late Qing Dynasty and the Republican Era




詞法 詞學 詞體觀 晚清 民國


As the system of ci theory in Late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China developed, discussions on methods for ci writing became the focus of relevant studies in that period with a great many publicaitons on how to conduct ci writing. In the 1930s and 1940s, Long Yusheng and Zhan Antai discussed the differences between learning and studying ci and ci theories. The intertwined process of these two streams reveals the evolution and the modernization of ci studies. Clarifying the relationship of these two, will help us better understand the trajectory of the development of ci theories in late Qing and the Republican era.


王學珍、郭建榮主編:《北京大學史料(第二卷):1912-1937》, 北京:北京大學出版社, 2000 年版。
王學珍, 張萬倉:《北京高等教育文獻資料選編:1861-1948》, 北京:首都師範大學出版社, 2004 年版。
王藴章:《詞學》, 《文藝全書》, 上海:崇文書局, 1919 年版。
永瑢等:《四庫全書總目》, 北京:中華書局, 1985 年版。
任中敏:《詞學研究法》, 上海:商務印書館, 1935 年版。
