  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


The Langya Wang Clan Members' Life Recorded on the Epitaphs in the Northern Wei Dynasty: With a Discussion on the Change of Attitude toward the Immigrants from the Southern Dynasties during the Rules of Emperor Xuanwu and Emperor Xiaoming




This article focuses on the Langya Wang Clan members' migration from the Liang dynasty to the Northern Wei dynasty and discusses the Clan's integration into the Northern Wei society by examining multifarious aspects of their life, including residences, burial places, marriages into imperial and noble families, political careers, literary activities, and epitaphs. During the rules of Emperor Xuanwu and Emperor Xiaoming in the Northern Wei dynasty, the Langya Wang Clan's cultural influence led to a distinct change of the court's attitude toward the immigrants from the southern dynasties. This article argues that the reasons for this change of attitude lie not in the dominating southern culture but in the northern regime's need to establish and maintain its legitimacy, its changing political and cultural conditions, and the Northern Wei nobilities' own initiatives.


