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Mount Kun and Mr. An Qi: A New Interpretation of the Poem "On Climbing the Solitary Island in the River" by Xie Lingyun and the Relationship to his Knowledge of the Hagiology of Master Ma in the early period of Highest Clarity School scriptures




崑山 安期 《馬君傳》 謝靈運 上清經


The last four lines of Xie Lingyun's poem "Deng jiang zhong guyu"(On Climbing Isolated Island in the River) has been criticized as a disharmonious xuanyan de weiba (tail to subtle words). This criticism raises the question as to what the logical connection between the descriptive narrative and the lyrical reasoning in the poem is. Besides, as Mount Kun and Scholar Anqi appear to belong to different mythological genealogies, what is the relationship between "imagining the beauty of the Kun Mount" and "believing in Master Anqi's magic arts"?Understanding Kun Mount and Master Anqi correctly is the key to answering these questions. The "Mount Kun" here refers not to Xiwangmu (Queen Mother of the West) but to Taizhen furen (Lady of Grand Perfection) in Majun zhuan (Hagiology of Lord Ma), and the "Anqi" here not to the one in Shiji (Records of the Grand Historian) or Liexian zhuan (Legendary Biographies of Taoist Immortals of Antiquity) but is the Anqi xiansheng (Master Anqi) in Majun zhuan. Xie's statement," Master Anqi was Ma Mingsheng's teacher," in his "Shan ju fu" (Rhapsody of Dwelling in the Mountain) is also derived from Majun zhuan. This paper takes the background of Majun zhuan as its entry point, provides a new reading of Xie's poem, and explores the relationship between the poet and Majun zhuan.


Benjamin Penny(裴凝),The Text and Authorship of Shenxian Zhuan, Journal of Oriental Studies(Hong Kong),34.2(1996),pp. 165-209。
J. D. Frodsham. The Murmuring Stream: the Life and Works of the Chinese Nature Poet Hsieh Ling-yün (385-433), Duke of K’ang-Lo. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. 1967
