  • 期刊


The Meaning and Practice of Philosophy for Teachers(P4T)


本文的教師哲學(Philosophy for Teachers, P4T)指的是教師專業成長模式,旨在以哲學的探究團體(community of inquiry)之運作,促使成員共同反思日常教學的問題與困惑,藉由心情故事分享、問題提問、問題票選、共同對話、探究及綜合反思之歷程,加深教師的自我認識並促成身心安好。本文分成兩大部分:第一,探討P4T的由來,以及與P4C(兒童哲學)的關聯;接著論述P4T的學理依據和國外實證研究成果。第二,探討本研究發展的在地化P4T實踐模式,包含五步驟實施流程與設計理念,實際例證之說明,以及參與教師對P4T的看法。文末總結P4T的重要性以及對教師專業成長的潛在貢獻。


"Philosophy for Teachers" (P4T) refers to a model of teachers' professional development which aims to engage teachers in a philosophical community of inquiry, so that teachers could reflect upon concrete problems and perplexities arising from daily teaching. The purpose is to deepen teachers' self-understanding and enhance their wellbeing through the process of story sharing, questioning, voting, communal dialogue and inquiry, and reflection. The first part of this paper looks at the background of P4T, its connection to Philosophy for Children (P4C), and relevant theories about teacher education and empirical research results. The second part of this paper introduces the practice of a localized model of P4T, including its five-step procedure, explanations of the functions of each step, examples drawn from practice, and teacher participants' perspectives towards P4T. Finally, this paper concludes by reassuring the significance and contribution of P4T to teacher professional development.


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