  • 期刊

Paul H. Hirst道德教育論述探析

Analysis of Paul Hirst's discourse on moral education


英國教育哲學家Paul H. Hirst常與Richard S. Peters齊名,並稱為倫敦路線大將。為向Hirst致意,本文選擇聚焦在梳理他有關道德教育的論述,以他在1974年出版的《世俗社會中的道德教育》為主,輔以另三篇相關文章為取材範圍。Hirst主張,德育旨在培育出理性自律的人,此人的道德生活具體展現在知情意行的四個面向。基於學術分工,教育哲學家的工作在於解析這四個層面的邏輯關係,其中,鑒於認知係情感、行動與氣質傾向的核心樞紐,Hirst的德育論述便從認知發展著手。他選擇以L. Kohlberg道德認知發展論為切入點,因為他設定的第六階段符合Hirst所刻劃的理性自律的人。Hirst指出,道德認知發展階段的提升必須以實際的社會參與及角色扮演的方式,始能達成。是以,對於學校德育而言,面對學生發展階段跨距幅度頗大的狀況,學校作為一個道德社群必須在扮演道德權威的角色,以及讓學生實際參與決策,繼而促進學生的理性自律之間取得平衡。最後,基於時間限制、道德知識形式的自主性,以及術業有專攻的考量,Hirst主張,學校德育應該是「融入式」與「設科教學」雙管齊下。


The British philosopher of education, P. H. Hirst, is a renowned scholar. He and R. S. Peters were pioneers of the London Line. In memory of Hirst, this paper analyses his discourse on moral education. The materials are primarily drawn from his Moral Education in a Secular Society, which was published in 1974, and also three other relevant papers. According to Hirst, the aim of moral education is to cultivate rationally autonomous people whose morality manifest in four aspects, namely moral judgements, affections, dispositions, and actions. In the academic division of labour, the duty of a philosopher of education is to analyse the logical relationships between these four aspects. Given that cognition is the foundation on which all affections, actions, and dispositions rest, Hirst's discourse begins with moral cognition and judgement. He starts with Kohlberg's developmental theory of moral cognition because the highest stage in this theory accords with the ideal of a rational autonomous person as proposed by Hirst. Hirst claims that to advance through the developmental stages of moral cognition, students must participate in real-life social practice through role-playing and role-taking. Given the wide age range of students, Hirst suggests that as a moral community, schools should assume moral authority and encourage senior students to make rationally autonomous decisions. Striking a balance between authority and autonomy is a major challenge for schools. Finally, considering time limitations, the autonomy of morality as a distinct field of knowledge, and teachers' specialism, the case is made that moral education at schools should be integrated into both subject teaching and stand-alone moral teaching.


Aristotle (2013). Aristotle’s politics (C. Lord, Trans.) (2nd ed.). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Kristajánsson, K. (2014). On the old saw that dialogue is a Socratic but not an Aristotelian method of moral education. Educational Theory, 64(4), 333-348.
Kristajánsson, K. (2015). Aristotelian character education. London, UK: Routledge.
Aristotle (2009). The Nicomachean ethics (D. Ross, Trans.). New York: Oxford University Press.
Barrow, R., & White, P. (1993). Introduction. In R. Barrow & P. White (Eds.), Beyond liberal education: Essays in honour of Paul H. Hirst (pp. 1-15). London: Routledge.
