  • 期刊


Review of Movie "Die Vermessung der Welt"




高斯 洪堡特 教育哲史


This article provides biographical sketches of Gauß and Humboldt through a review of the German film "Measuring the World", which presents the educational environment, schooling, and academic careers of both men. The film also provided a brief overview of relevant educational thoughts in Europe at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. In short, Gauß was born to poor parents but was rewarded by his country for his amazing academic talent. Along with his hard work, he made outstanding contributions in the fields of mathematics, astronomy, geodesy, and magnetism. Humboldt on the other hand was born into aristocracy, where generous education and financial resources provided the best support for his academic research. His Latin American expedition remains of unique academic value, and he demonstrated the universal value of human rights at a time when the subjugation of colonies by European powers was the norm. The literature cited in this article reminds us that the famous scholars in history have not become a thing of the past, but their achievements and even their lives continue to be influential. They became the subject of research in specialized fields, thus enriching, to a certain extent, the history and philosophy of education.
