  • 期刊

當孟子遇上P. Ricoeur:以人性存有之倫理泉源為基礎的倫理教育

When Mencius met P. Ricoeur: Ethical Education Based on the Ethical Source of Human Nature


孟子哲學從人性本有的「仁」出發,建立起一套與他人他物相感通的倫理體系。他以「仁」為人倫理生活的根源,在實踐中攝禮歸義,攝義歸仁,展現出了一種對於人性倫理泉源的回溯。西方詮釋學家P. Ricoeur,透過自我詮釋學所表述的倫理思想,也同樣展現出了對於人性存有之倫理泉源的強調。P. Ricoeur指出,人存有結構中存在的一種倫理直覺與意圖(與他人一道並為了他人在公正制度中度善的生活)以及蘊含在此意圖中的一種「關懷」,正是人倫理生活的最重要泉源。本文透過孟子與P. Ricoeur倫理思想之異同比較,揭露兩位哲學家的共同洞見:人依據其本性的存有,即是無法與他人切割,且時時與他人共在的。只有立基在這樣的一種人性存有所具有的、無法抹滅的倫理泉源之上,人與人間的適當的倫理關係才有可能建立起來。此一洞見將可為倫理教育的方向提供一些啟示,將倫理教育的重點導向一種順性而自然的教育,著重於喚醒受教者帶著情意動機的倫理泉源(「仁」或「關懷」),以達至幫助受教者知善、樂善與行善的倫理教育目的。


孟子 P. Ricoeur 關懷


Mencius philosophy originates from the inherent "benevolence" of human nature, and through which he establishes an ethical system based on man's natural sense of interconnectedness with others. Mencius perceives "benevolence" as the root of humans' ethical life, showing an emphasis on a return to the human ethical source. On the other hand, Western hermeneutics, P. Ricoeur, expressed his ethical thoughts through self-hermeneutics, which also emphasized the ethical source of the human being. Ricoeur pointed out that a natural ethical intention (to live well with and for others in a just system) existing in man's ontological structure and a kind of "solicitude" contained in this intention are exactly the ethical source of human beings. Through the comparison of the similarities and differences between Mencius and Ricoeur's ethical thought, this paper reveals the common insight of the two philosophers: human beings according to their own nature cannot be separated from others, and always coexist with others. Only on the basis of such an indelible ethical source inherent in human nature, one can establish a proper ethical relationship between human beings. This insight will shed light on a new perspective of ethical education, which could direct the focus of ethical education to conform to human nature and facilitate the awakening of student's ethical source ("benevolence" or "solicitude") with motivated affections. Ultimately, the purpose of ethical education to help the educated, know the good, and do good, would be achieved.


Mencius Ricoeur Benevolence Solicitude
