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The Third Discussion on the Problems of Language and Characters in Hong Kong




規範 兩文三語 普教中 粵拼 繁簡由之


The specification of language is a conventional and customary standard. There are some problems about norms and standards of language and characters in Hong Kong. This article first confirms that the language policy of Hong Kong's "two written languages (Chinese, English) and three spoken languages (Putonghua, Cantonese, English)" is suitable to the real situation of Hong Kong society. Then, this article explores the standardization of spoken and written Chinese language in Hong Kong. As for the spoken language, Cantonese has reached the optimal level of society, but Mandarin and English has not yet. As far as written Chinese is concerned, standard Chinese is a recognized specification for every occasion, Hong Kong Chinese is a special Chinese which mixed with a little Cantonese and English words in standard Chinese, and it needs some principles for reference in use. On the issue of using traditional Chinese characters, I agree that traditional Chinese characters is formal, but when we use Chinese characters, I think both traditional and simplified characters can be used.


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