  • 期刊


Study on the Anti-inflammatory Effects of Extracts of Phyllanthus Emblica from Different Origins


本研究選擇中國雲南、印度古吉拉特邦以及柬埔寨金邊,三個地區所生產的餘甘子(Phyllanthus emblica L.)為材料,研究其提取物對細胞抗發炎的「應答效果」。本研究以三種(常見/主要)促炎因子,包含:「一氧化氮(nitric oxide, NO)」、「白介素 6(interleukin 6, IL-6)」和「腫瘤壞死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor-alpha, TNF-α)」進行分析,並探討餘甘子提取物是否具有細胞毒性(microculture tetrazolium assay, MTT assay)。分析結果顯示,三個地區產出的餘甘子提取物,具有顯著抑制NO與IL-6產生的抗炎應答效果,但對TNF-α無顯著的抑制作用;同時,並未測得對細胞產生毒性。本研究結果,可以提供餘甘子做為抗發炎原料在產地來源選擇上決策的依據,以及商業化生產行銷的重要參考。


餘甘子 炎性因子 巨噬細胞


This study used emblica fruit (Phyllanthus emblica L.) extractions from Yunnan, China, Gujarat, India and Phnom Penh, Cambodia as materials to explore its anti-inflammatory response effect on cells. Causing inflammation of three factors, include nitric oxide (NO), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), be tested and cytotoxicity (microculture tetrazolium assay, MTT assay) be analyzed. The results showed that the three of Phyllanthus emblica extraction have significantly inhibited effect on NO and IL-6. But it has no inhibitory effect on TNF-α. Meanwhile, cytotoxicity did not be detected at this study. This study can provide a gate for follower of emblica fruit to further research.


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