  • 期刊


Patentability Requirements of Artificial Intelligence in Europe




This Article, which analyses the patent protection of artificial intelligence in Europe, focuses on the examination of AI patent applications. Under the European Patent Convention, the patent protection of AI is not readily available. Interpretation of the Convention as well as amendments of relevant legal instruments are necessary. Thus, the European Patent Office has in recent years issued revised Guidelines for Examination to deal with the disputes concerning examination of AI patent applications. A major problem here concerns "core AI", which is mathematical algorisms. Algorisms are in principle not patentable as they fall within the scope of "mathematical methods as such" in the Convention. This Article first considers the patent protection of computer software. The main issues relating to AI patents and those concerning software patents are similar. As to examination of software patent applications, subject matter eligibility and the requirement of inventive step are particularly important. The tests relating to subject matter and inventive step remain crucial in the examination of AI patent examination. On the one hand, subject matter eligibility determines whether an invention is eligible for patent protection. On the other hand, the requirement of inventive step concerns the technical effect of an invention. It is necessary to draw a clear distinction between the subject matter eligibility and inventive step requirement. Otherwise, AI patent examinations may result in disputes and confusion. Analysis in this Article indicates that the European Patent Office has slightly relaxed the subject matter test, and it has focused on the examination regarding inventive steps of AI inventions. It is worth taking these recent trends into consideration with a view to improving patent protection of AI technologies in Taiwan.
