  • 期刊


A Study of the Issue on the precedence Relevant to Protocol and International Law


當今所通行的國際禮儀是西方文明的產物,作為國際禮儀的分支-外交禮儀(protocol),是幾世紀以來在歐洲國際社會政治互動下所產生的習尚(usage)或慣例(習慣,custom)。時至今日它的某些部分已法律化,甚至成為外交關係法(Diplomatic Relations Law)的一部分。若一國破壞此種國際習慣(international custom),往往會受到國際輿論的譴責,甚至遭致有關國家的報復(retortion)。外交禮儀可貴之處在於:其一,它在處理外交實務上[尤其是禮賓接待(protocol reception)]可提供具體可行之原則性規範,使派遣國(the sending State)與接受國(the receiving State)之外交代表(diplomatic agents)在有尊榮(dignity)的情况下達到賓主盡歡的目的;其二,在處理重大議題的國際會議上,它所提供的原則性規範,可避免與會國在「位次」(order of precedence)問題上或條約簽字國排名順序的「在先權」(precedence)等程序間題(procedural question)上擾攘不休,直接切入實質議題(substantive proposition)上做討論,進而達成協議,對於開會的時效有莫大的幫助。本論文對於外交禮儀內涵與意義、它的發展過程、它與外交關係法的關係、「在先權」的原則與施行方法,做系統性的探討,以期在外交實務工作上有所助益。


The protocol, a branch of currently popular international etiquette which was an outcome of occidental civilization, has been some kind of usage and custom, originated from an interaction in European international society and politics for centuries. Nowadays, some of the international etiquettes in part have been legalized, and even become a portion of Diplomatic Relations Law. Once the international custom disobeyed and disrupted by one nation, this nation against it was apt to be severely condemned by international media, and invited retortion among nations. The value of the protocol lay in its formula offered for handling foreign affairs, especially in protocol reception, making a cheerful harmony smoothly achieved for diplomatic agents with honorable dignity between the sending State and the receiving State. Next, the formula offered by the protocol may avoid arguments among nations in some procedural questions like order of precedence and precedence, and entered directly into substantive proposition for further discussion before reaching agreement, which helped much in time limitations when in session. This study will focus on a systematic and comprehensive research on the contents and meaning of protocol, its development process, its relations with Diplomatic Relation laws, the principle of precedence and its implementation, which will be beneficial to the foreign affairs.
