  • 期刊


Needs of Qualification Training Course among Care Managers with Different Professional Background


研究背景:照管專員是照顧管理中心的核心角色,工作領域涉及醫護、社工等多項專業服務,現行照管專員培訓制度採先聘後訓方式,任職照管中心6個月內須完成資格訓練課程。然而,不同專業背景照管專員的專業養成教育,缺乏整體性長期照顧概念且對照顧管理的專業知能不足,加上現行之訓練課程內容並無考量不同專業背景照管專員之差異與不同需求,導致實務上因專業差異,影響照顧管理工作之情形。研究目的:瞭解照管專員對資格訓練課程之需求情形,並探討不同專業背景之照管專員於資格訓練課程需求之差異。研究方法:為橫斷式研究,採分層比例抽樣,選取任職於照管中心的照管專員並於2017~2019年期間完成照管專員資格訓練課程者為受訪對象,回收有效問卷314份。研究工具為自擬式結構式問卷,專家內容效度為.997,內在一致性為.97。研究結果:研究對象平均年齡37歲,以女性(91.4%)、大學學歷(80.8%)居多,護理背景有203人(64.6%),非護理背景有111人(35.4%)。資格訓練課程需求程度最高的課程是職能治療議題(含復能概念)和物理治療議題(含復能概念)(M = 3.66、SD = 0.49);資格訓練課程時數適切性最高的課程是擬定照顧計畫2小時(M = 3.34,SD = 0.57),表示照管專員認為時數是足夠的,最低為職能治療議題(含復能概念)1小時和物理治療議題(含復能概念)1小時(M = 3.06、SD = 0.71),表示課程時數不足,建議增加為2小時。護理背景照管專員在「社會工作議題與社工實務技巧」需求程度高於非護理背景(t = 2.26, p= .009),非護理背景在醫療議題及護理議題課程的需求程度高於其他課程。研究結論:照管專員對資格訓練課程著重在長照專業議題及照顧管理實務的課程,尤其是復能相關課程;而護理背景照管專員加強社工實務技巧課程,非護理背景可加強醫護需求評估課程,課程內容融入實際案例討論與不同專業視角出發。照管專員資格訓練課程是新進照管專員的基礎培訓課程,仍需持續接受在職教育與累積實務經驗,運用所學知能,協助解決長照家庭的問題。


Background: Care manager plays the core role in long-term care management centers. The current training system for care managers in Taiwan employs the "First-Hire-Then-Train" approach that care managers are required to complete a series of qualification training courses within six months of employment. However, the education of professional development for care managers from different professional backgrounds lacks the concept of holistic long-term care and professional knowledge of care management. In addition, the current qualification training curriculum does not consider the differences and different needs of care managers from different professional backgrounds, resulting in a situation whereby care management in practice is affected by profession differences. Objective: To understand the needs of care managers in taking qualification training courses, and to explore differences in course needs among care managers in different professions. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, stratified proportional sampling was used. Care managers who were employed at long-term care management centers and had completed the care management qualification training courses from 2017 to 2019 were selected. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data. The expert content validity was .997 and the internal consistency was .97. Results: A total of 314 care managers participated in this study. The mean age of the care managers was 37 years old, with the majority being females (91.4%) and having university degrees (80.8%). Among the 314 care managers, 203 (64.6%) were with a nursing background and 111 (35.4%) were with a non-nursing background. The most needed qualification training courses were Occupational Therapy Issues and Physical Therapy Issues (M = 3.66, SD = 0.49). As for the appropriateness of training course duration, the care managers considered the two-hour course of Care Planning as the most suitable (M = 3.34,SD = 0.57), suggesting that a two-hour training was sufficient. The course with the most unsuitable training duration was the one-hour course of Occupational Therapy Issues and Physical Therapy Issues (M = 3.06, SD = 0.71), indicating that a single hour training was insufficient; therefore, it was recommended to increase the course duration to two hours. The need for the course of Social Work Issues and Practice Skills was higher among care managers with the nursing background than those with non-nursing backgrounds (t = 2.26, p = .009), while care managers with non-nursing backgrounds had a higher need for medical and nursing courses. Conclusions: While designing the qualification training curriculum, the duration of reablement-related courses could be increased. Care managers with a nursing background could focus more on practical social work courses, while those with non-nursing backgrounds concentrate on courses relating to medical and nursing needs assessment. The series of qualification training courses are the basic training for new care managers. It is still necessary for the care managers to receive on-the-job training and to accumulate experience in practice so that they can apply their acquired knowledge and problem-solving skills to support families with long-term care needs.
