  • 期刊


The Paradigm Shift of the Translation of the Bible in the Early Church (2nd-5th centuries): A Case Study of the Translation History and Style of the Vetus Latina and the Vulgata


拉丁初期教會時有兩部重要的《聖經》譯本,即《古拉丁譯本》(Vetus Latina)和《拉丁通行本》(Vulgata)。本文除了簡單敘述這兩部譯本的歷史,還會對各譯本採用的翻譯原則及特色加以描述,以窺探拉丁教會如何於主曆二世紀到主曆五世紀,在《聖經》翻譯學領域完成了轉型。本文指出,《古拉丁譯本》是教會首次實施「本地化」的忠實「見證者」。自主曆二世紀中葉,非洲教會和歐洲教會的一些知識份子,為滿足信徒們以本地語言(拉丁語)閱讀《聖經》的需求,紛紛投入到《聖經》翻譯的工作中。拉丁譯者們將教會當局認可的舊約譯本(《七十賢士譯本》)及新約希臘語版本由希臘語譯成拉丁語。由拉丁譯者翻譯的新舊約譯本合稱為《古拉丁譯本》,由於譯者人數眾多,因此在短時間內出現了多部特色不一的拉丁譯本。他們多數採用直譯法,使用簡單粗陋的拉丁文,致使一些譯文漏洞百出、晦澀難懂。為此,熱羅尼莫(Jerome of Stridon, 347/8-419/20, 又譯作樂業)應教宗達瑪蘇斯(Damasus I, 366-388)的邀請,修訂了《古拉丁譯本》。熱羅尼莫打破了拉丁教會在舊約方面將《七十賢士譯本》視為神聖經本的傳統觀念,傾向於認為只有希伯來文聖經才是真實經本,並稱之為「希伯來真理」和「真實書籍」。他的舉動雖引起教會內部權威人士的質疑,但從未改變他對《聖經》翻譯的熱情,他歷經十三載將舊約聖經從希伯來語譯成拉丁語,並校訂了《古拉丁譯本》的新約聖經,不僅延續了教會拉丁化的進程,而且完成了翻譯學由直譯到意譯的轉型。他採用意譯法儘可能地使譯文忠於原文,達到通俗易懂、優美典雅的水準。


There were two important translations of the Bible in the early Latin Church, namely the Vetus Latina and the Vulgata. This paper not only briefly describes the history of these two translations, but also shows the principles and characteristics of each translation, in order to explore how the Latin Church completed its paradigm shift in the field of biblical translation from the second century to the fifth century. This paper points out that the Vetus Latina is the faithful "witness" to the first "inculturation" of the Church. Since the middle of the second century, a number of intellectuals from the African and European churches have been engaged in the translation of the Bible to meet the needs of the faithful to read the Bible in their native language (Latin). The Latin translators translated the Old Testament that was approved by the Church authorities (the Septuagint and the Greek version of the New Testament) from Greek into Latin. The translations of the Old and New Testaments by Latin translators are collectively known as Vetus Latina. Most of the translators adopted the literal translation method, using simple and crude Latin, resulting in some translations that are incomprehensible and full of flaws. For this reason, Saint Jerome (347/8-419/20) was invited by Pope Damascus I (366-388) to revise the Vetus Latina. Jerome broke with the Latin Church's traditional conception of the Septuagint as a divine text with respect to the Old Testament, preferring to consider only the Hebrew Bible as the authentic text, calling it the "Hebrew truth" and the "true Book". Although his action aroused doubts from authorities within the Church, it never changed his passion for Bible translation. He spent thirteen years translating the Old Testament from Hebrew into Latin and revised the translation of the New Testament of the Vetus Latina version. Thus, he not only continued the process of Latinization of the Church, but also completed the paradigm shift from literal translation to paraphrase. He used the paraphrase translation method to make the translation as faithful as possible to the original text and achieve a level of comprehensibility, beauty and elegance.
