  • 會議論文


Prajñā of Words, Artistic Creation and the Practice of Buddhism: the Example of Master Xinyun's Verses Uttered by Xingyun




This article takes Master Xingyun's Verses Uttered by Xingyun as the main working material. It argues two points: one, Prajnā in writing could lead to meditation state; two, artistic creation and the practice of Buddhism. Both issues centre on the idea that meditation states are not to be expressed in word or writing; Meditation once being said or written becomes dross, or intellectual understanding. But it must be said, thus there is the approach of understanding meditation states through words. If meditation can be spoken, it must be something else other than meditation. Thus Master Xingyun describes meditation states with many analogies. In present paper I will discuss the Master's ideas of meditation and practicing meditation, and what he promotes in Buddhist literary works, Buddhist artistic culture as a means to spread Buddhism in general and Humanistic Buddhism in particular.
