  • 會議論文


Lotus Never Comes into Bloom: Study on the Problem of "Western Kuan-yin" in Kun Iam Ecumenical Centre


澳門觀音蓮花苑自1997年項目創建以來,一直受到澳門社會的高度關注。其觀音像由葡國藝術家李潔蓮(Cristina Rocha Leiria)設計,耗資三千萬,造像本身借鑑西方修女或聖母像的特徵,但澳門各界歷來對之褒貶不一。澳門官方和項目主要負責人對觀音蓮花苑的價值定位為「世界宗教文化研究中心」、「旅遊開發的新景點」等,但近二十年的事實證明,這些預想並沒能實現,且觀音蓮花苑甚至有成為「雞肋」的危險。對蓮花苑尷尬情況的分析探索,將有助於思考當下中國大型宗教建築是否得宜的普遍性問題。


澳門 蓮花苑 洋觀音 文化交融 傳統特質


Since built up in 1997, the program of Kun Iam Ecumenical Centre was consistently under strong spotlight in Macau society. Designed by famous Portuguese artist Cristina Rocha Leiria, the status cost approximately 30 million MOP, however, the public had different opinions on it for its Western Notre Dame appearance. Macau Government and the major people in charge set a place of "World Religious and Cultural Research Centre", "New Attraction of Tourism Development" etc., but unfortunately, all of such expectations did not realize during the past twenty years and Kun Iam Ecumenical Centre is even facing the problem of becoming "uninteresting being". Therefore, the discussion on the embarrassing situation of Kun Iam Ecumenical Centre helps to rethink the appropriation of prevalence of large religious building in China today.
