  • 會議論文


Transferring from Amitābha's Pure Land to Humanistic Pure Land and its Significance in Modern Time




Amitābha's pure land is a kind of good wishes under the social background of ancient India, which is the destination that was put forward by Buddhist community after people died. Humanistic pure land is a kind of Buddhism reform thought, which was put forward by Buddhist community, is based on the situation of weakness of modern time's Buddhism, and it is also a new idea according to the needs of society and the development of Buddhism. These two kinds of pure land thought based on the different background, consequently, they have their own distinct characteristics. Humanistic pure land is positioning in the temporal world, and within the three divisions of the universe, the traditional theory of Buddhism believed that after people died, when they go back to the reality of human thought of the bliss western pure land, and transform future problems into the present, and make the personality of human beings can be completed in the moment, and make the distance between the bliss western pure land world and temporal world closer. Amitābha belief is to solve the individual ultimate problem after people died, and it is a personal behavior, and emphasis on participation. Recite the name of Amitābha is a personal thing. Humanistic pure land is the social behavior and the public behavior, and it just can be the normal way in the human's world, and to do what the human beings to do, to do the things of Buddhism. Traditional pure land thought is pictured the wonderful bliss western pure land, but the Humanistic pure land is based on the basis of the changing of the world. Amitābha's pure land as an ancient Buddhist idea, it is mainly set up in order to solve the problem after people died. Humanistic pure land is the reactionary, which is based on the situation of the revolution of the traditional Buddhism. It do not deny the filthy of the temporal world, and it is emphasizing people to put the pure land in the moment, and affirm the world, not "leave" but "in", and by negation and affirmation. After all, the transferring between the Humanistic pure land and Amitābha's pure land in the modern time is the strategy, which is made by modern Buddhist community, based on the specific situation of the development of the society, moreover, it provides a new way for the development of contemporary Chinese Buddhism.


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