  • 期刊


Study and Suggestions on Implementing Lesson Study in Secondary and Elementary Schools


「公開授課」已是一個既定的政策,其內涵、功能、遭遇的困難、教師參與的經驗及如何推行都值得進一步探討。為深入瞭解公開授課之意涵及中小學教師過往實際參與的經驗,本文先以文獻探討來瞭解公開授課的意義、內涵、作法、過往遭遇的困難。接著,以自編問卷調查中小學教師之公開授課經驗。最後,再針對文獻探討及問卷分析結果,從行政及教師兩方面提出我國中小學實施公開授課之建言。行政面包括:(1)突顯公開授課中「教師相互合作」的概念,並以精進課程與教學品質及學習成效為目標。(2)形塑互信互賴共學共好的觀課文化。(3)協助教師掌握公開授課之概念與方法。(4)喚起教師熱情與使命感,並讓教師從公開授課中獲得正向經驗。(5)行政措施輔助公開授課之推動。(6)同理教師的感受,重視教師在辦理公開授課的正負向經驗。教師面包括:(1)化被動為主動,正向看待公開授課。(2)組成專業學習社群,教師間相互合作。(3)可採行教師主導之教學觀察(teacher-driven observation, TDO)模式。


"Lesson Study" is a new curriculum policy in Taiwan from August 2019 and is worth further investigation. There are three parts in this paper. First, the lesson study is introduced by conducting literature review. Second, the lesson study experiences of secondary and elementary school teachers are analyzed by questionnaire survey. Finally, suggestions on implementing lesson study in schools are proposed. For administration, they are 1. Highlights teachers' cooperation and the goal of lesson study on enhancing the quality of curriculum and instructions. 2. Cultivate mutual trust and good practice of lesson observation among teachers. 3. Help teachers understand thoroughly the concept and methods of lesson study. 4. Arouse teachers' enthusiasm and sense of educational mission, provide teachers with positive feedback on their lesson study experience. 5. Provide sufficient administrative support on lesson study. 6. Empathize teachers' feelings and value their experiences of lesson study. For teachers, they are 1. Participate in lesson study actively and positively instead of passively. 2. Build teacher learning community and cooperate with other teachers. 3. Adopt teacher-driven observation (TDO) approach.
