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Modeling of Storm Sewer Systems with Dividing Flow


本文以完整之迪聖文南(de Saint-Venant)方程式為基礎,應用非線性四點隱式差分法,以牛頓-拉福森(Newton-Raphson)法疊代求解分流下水道系統流況。分流邊界條件以三種方式建立:一為堰流公式,二為試驗所得迴歸公式,三為側堰公式。應用時,可依據分流設施之型式,選擇適合之公式模擬。模式之上游邊界可爲流量或水位歷線,下游邊界可輸入水位歷線、流量歷線、率定曲線、或以上三種型式之任意組合。模擬結果經與實測記錄比較後,發現模擬結果與實際流況極為相似。


下水道系統 分流 數值模式


In this paper, a numerical model that can simulate the flow in a storm sewer system with merging and dividing pipes is developed. The model is based on the de Saint-Venant equations and the four-point implicit finite difference scheme is used. The boundary condition at the dividing junction can be treated using one of the following three methods: weir flow equation, regression equation obtained from experimental data, and side-weir flow equation. In actual applications, the suitable equation can be chosen according to the type of the dividing structure. The upstream boundary condition can be either discharge or stage hydrographs. The downstream boundary condition can be chosen from the following: the water stage hydrograph, the discharge hydrograph, the rating curve, or their combination. Actual applications show that the simulated results are in good agreement with the observed data.
