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Suitability of Aquatic Ecosystems for Irrigation and Risk of Soil Degradation (Taza Region, Morocco)



In the Taza region of Northern Morocco, the use of irrigation is inevitable for most crops due to its semi-arid climate. Surface water is therefore being increasingly used. A hydrochemical study using index calculations and the development of graphical methods was carried out based on the results of major cationic and anionic elements analyses of the watershed of Oued Larbaa and its tributaries (Oued Jaouna, Oued Dfali and Oued Taza). Two sampling campaigns were realized over two-year period (2017-2018). The ten sites that were analyzed are distributed throughout the watershed. The results obtained showed that surface water quality in the Taza region is generally mediocre to very poor. These waters can't therefore be used for market gardening as it is currently practised. In addition, water mineralization, which is generally high, carries a risk of soil salinization. This alarming situation highlights the direct impact of global pollution generated by raw, domestic and industrial wastewater discharges, as well as poor solid waste management in the city of Taza.


摩洛哥北部的塔扎地區長期在半乾旱氣候下,因而大多數農作物需要使用灌溉,地表水的用量也因此大幅增加。本文根據Oued Larbaa及其支流(Oued Jaouna, Oued Dfali, Oued Taza)流域的陽離子與陰離子元素的分析結果,利用指標計算和圖表分析方法進行水化學研究。本研究在兩年期間(2017-2018)進行了兩次採樣。被進行採樣分析的十個地點分佈在整個流域。採樣的結果顯示,塔扎地區的地表水質量介於非常一般至非常差之間,並不適用於園藝農業,儘管目前此流域的地表水仍被廣泛使用在園藝農業活動中。此外,流域內地表水的礦化度普遍偏高,存在土壤鹽化的風險。研究結果警示了由畜牧農作、家用、工業等方面產生的廢水排放對全球污染造成的直接影響,同時也表明了塔扎區對於固體廢物管理不力。


摩洛哥 水化學 灌溉 Oued Larbaa與支流 土壤鹽化


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