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Research of Factional Strife and Bureaucratic Behavior in the Northern Song Dynasty


中國歷代不乏黨爭之患,本文所稱「黨爭」,並非西方所謂政黨之爭,而是朋黨派系之爭,誠如歐陽修在〈朋黨論〉所述:「君子與君子以同道爲朋,小人與小人以同利爲朋」,以現今來說就是朋黨各自追求利益不同才以結黨,君子與小人之分也不過是小人朋黨求名利,君子朋黨求仁義。中國自秦漢以來為了有效進行統治而發展出一套君主專制的官僚制體系,同樣也面臨朋黨爭鬥難題,擁有絕對權威的帝王似乎也束手無措,中國歷代特別是在北宋時期的皇帝們為了力求國家改革、勵精圖治,主動由皇帝帶領多次改革卻仍舊引起廟堂之上的派系黨爭不斷,反而造成新、舊治國政策反覆不定讓人民無所適從,種下了北宋亡朝禍根。西方學者Anthony Downs提出官僚組織內的人員因為有性格類型的不同、追求目標的動機不同,以及取得的資源與自身所處的官職地位不同,致使發生各種官僚行為而影響官僚制組織的成長與衰退。基此,本研究將試以西方官僚制理論嘗試探究北宋朋黨之間的官員行為模式。


官僚制 官僚行為 黨爭


There is no lack of factional strife in the Chinese dynasties. The factional strife is different from the western political party conflicts in this article. This is about bureaucratic group conflicts in the Northern Song dynasty. As Ouyang Xiu is saying that "Gentlemen were united as a party by a common principle, while villains were combined into a party by common interests." The gentlemen or villains groups were united as a faction by different interests. One of groups pursue the benevolence, the other one is in pursuit of wealth and fame. It has developed monarchy system in Chinese to control and direct the public business of a country and group of people from Qin dynasty and Han dynasty. In spite of emperor's great power, it needs to face the puzzle of factional strife for governing effectively. Especially, the emperors of Northern Song dynasty always tried to reform, but it resulted in factional strife and policy reversal. Such a result is the reasons for people are at a loss and the death of the Northern Song dynasty. Anthony Downs describes deferent styles of bureaucrats in the factional strife that variability is included character formation, political consideration, personal resources and official post, etc. The styles of bureaucrats are used to interpret bureaucratic behaviors and the growth and decline of bureaucratic organization . Based on this, this research will try to explore the behavior patterns of officials among the Northern Song Dynasty by using Western bureaucratic theory.
