  • 期刊

從宋明儒學的發展論清代思想史-上篇 宋明儒學中智識主義的傳統

Ch'ing Thought as seen through the Development of Sung-Ming Confucianism Part I: The Tradition of Intellectualism in Sung-Ming Confucianism


There have been two main views on the relationship between Ch'ing thought and the tradition of Sung-Ming Confucianism. The first one sees Ch'ing thought as a total reaction to the Neo-confucianism of Sung and Ming. Proponents maintain that after the mid seventeenth century Chinese thought took an utterly new direction and manifested itself at two different levels as a movement of opposition to metaphysics and a movement of textual research on the classics. The second view is a revision of the first. Admitting that Ch'ing thought had its innovation, it emphasizes nevertheless that the Sung-Ming Neo-confucian tradition was still alive and vigorous in Ch'ing. To the present writer the second view is the more reasonable, and this essay is a discussion on the topic from the standpoint of history of thought. It is divided into two parts, discussing respectively the opposition between intellectualism and anti-intellectualism in Sung-Ming Neo-confucianism; and the rise of textual research on the classics as well as the change of direction of Confucianism.


