  • 期刊


Dynamic Illusory Motion Perception and Eye-Movement Data for Geometric cones


本研究為動態造形之旋轉性運動知覺系列研究之一,利用EyeLink® II Camera頭戴式眼動儀進行實驗量測,觀察不同樣式的幾何形錐體之三種動態錯視運動知覺狀態為目的,同步記錄受試者對其知覺反應之眼動訊息視線軌跡,藉以了解其眼動訊息的變化與分佈狀態,比較之間的視線軌跡平均跳視幅度是否存在差異,根據實驗結果進行分析與討論。結果發現:幾何形錐體搭配轉速閾值界限,牽動「眼動訊息跳視幅度」的強弱。直接影響三種旋轉性動態錯視運動知覺眼動訊息跳視幅度變化,呈現延伸、拉長的趨勢,視線軌跡的方向特徵則均是呈現上、下來回的視線軌跡路徑,顯示不同樣式的幾何形錐體與轉速閾值界限參考值和三種旋轉性動態錯視跳視幅度存在因果關係。


The purpose of this study was to discuss the rotational motion perception and eye movement data of dynamic models. The eye tracking movement was implemented in this study by the equipment and technology of "eye tracker" through the "pursuit movement" in the basic form of eye movement. The perceptual movement viewed by the subjects was analyzed. The findings are as follows: Geometric cones with different number of sides, together with the threshold limits of rotational speed, have an effect on the formation and intensity amplitude of saccades of eye movement data, The correlation between geometric cones with different number of sides and the threshold limits affect the formation of the scan-path of eye movement of the three types of rotational dynamic illusory motion perceptions to different extents, The change of the range of eye movement data is the trend of the extension and the growth, and the direction of the orbit of the scan path of the orbit of the present and the next return.
