  • 期刊


Study on Logo Design Dynamic Perception and Product Adaptability




標誌設計 動態 適配性 產品


The human brain can perceive motion in static graphics, and these dynamic perceptions can capture the attention of consumers and can also add to the perception of a logo or brand image. Therefore, this study adopts the experimental research method to analyze the existing forms of logo dynamic design, and analyzes the adaptability of logo dynamic design for different product categories. The results show that static corporate logos tend to have a stable and stable image of trust, and are often designed with symmetrical geometric shapes and normal fonts. Dynamic corporate logos tend to have a positive image of youth and vitality, often with irregular and organic arc shapes and italics. Handwritten lettering as design. In the four product categories of sports drinks, coffee, sandwiches and bento, most product logo designs tend to be dynamic repetitive design, but there are also products that are suitable for static prototype designs. Therefore, the research suggests that when applying dynamic form design, it is necessary to consider the feelings of the product to consumers, and to cooperate with the product appeal, in order to increase the connection between the logo and the product.


Logo Design Dynamic Adaptability Product
