



Science and technology change rapidly in this age. Problems are becoming more and more complicated and so do Multi-label classification problems. To deal with the complicated problems in our life, multi-label classification is what we need. There are two major factions of the Multi-label classification method, called "Problem Transformation" and "Algorithm Adaption Method." There are many algorithms in both major factions, and our research got inspiration from both of them. Moreover, we will utilize five evaluation measures in the future experiment, like "Hamming Loss", "One-Error", "Coverage", "Ranking Loss", and Average Precision. Our research is to find a strong correlation between attribute values. And we will transform the correlation between attribute value to correlation between attribute. Then, merge the attributes which have strong correlation to alter the dataset. Furthermore, add it to the learning model for training to improve the accuracy of the model. Finally, we will study the type, classification and characteristics of the association and develop the association analysis algorithm based on association rules in the future experiment.
