  • 會議論文


The Post-Feminism Practice of Taiwanese Artist-Su PinWen "Girl's Notes" (2018)


《少女須知》是一本書,封面上寫著「少女情懷總是詩」;二十一世紀的此刻閱讀這本書其實還是很有意思,「要知道許多事情,不應在戀愛時候做的,像接吻、愛撫、性行為等等。」「每個男人都有唯我獨尊的自大狂,希望女人依賴他。雖然妳是個能幹的女子,但妳仍舊要常常做出孤苦無助的表情。」蘇品文以當代女性的觀點為文本《少女須知》進行單身(Single body)創作,透過文本閱讀喚醒身體經驗、再次環視,從藝術家的身份探討「女性」印象,以身體為媒材發表讀書心得報告。研究性別議題的獨立藝術家蘇品文,自2018年啟動「蘇品文女性主義三年計畫」,連續三年於臺北藝穗節發表《少女須知》系列創作;《少女須知》(2018)首次將「實踐」(Practice)概念正式引進其個人藝術生產,以女性主義者的姿態重新探問創作,運用他在哲學訓練中對思考、對提問、對政治、對社會觀察的敏銳度,追求學術與藝術的共乘,並且互相角力。〈臺灣藝術家的後現代女性主義實踐──蘇品文《少女須知》(2018)〉本文,蘇品文以研究者身份書寫「蘇品文女性主義三年計畫」第一年作品《少女須知》其背後的女性主義動機和運動,闡述他欲透過女性主義對表演藝術所產生的社會意義。


女性主義 性別 實踐 表演藝術 裸體


"Girl's Notes" is a book with a sentence "A young girl's fantasy is nothing but a poem." on its cover. Even until 21st century, it's still interesting to read the book. "You need to know, there are many things that you shouldn't do so early when you are in love, such as kissing, touching, and sexing, etc." "All males are conceited and arrogant. They hope that women will depend on them. Although you are a brilliant woman, you should pretend you are helpless." From contemporary feminists' points of view, Su PinWen adapts the book-"Girl's Notes" and completes production by "Single body." Artist recalls female experience, and discusses about how contemporary females look like. The book review is published by body as a medium. Independent artist Su PinWen who studies gender issues, started the "Su Pin-wen's Feminism, a three-year project" in the Taipei Fringe Festival and presented a series of "Girl's Notes" since 2018. In "Girls Notes", it’s first time PinWen officially introduced the concept of "Practice" into artistic production. Explore creation with a feminist position, using sensitivity to thinking, questioning, politics, and social context in philosophical training. Pursue the sharing of academics and arts, and wrestle each other. In this article "The Post-Feminism Practice of Taiwanese Artist: Su PinWen "Girl's Notes" (2018)". Su PinWen writes as an researchert- which combs the feminism motives and movements behind "Su Pin-wen's Feminism, a three-year project", reformulation the social meaning of Feminism to the Performing Arts.


Feminism Gender Practice Performing Arts Nudity
